Dutch Town Touts Its “Transgender Cross Walk” as the “First in Europe” – IOTW Report

Dutch Town Touts Its “Transgender Cross Walk” as the “First in Europe”


A Dutch town has become the first in Europe to set up a multicoloured zebra crossing dedicated to transgender people. 

The pink, blue and white coloured zebra crossing is located in the town of Almere, in the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands.

The pink stands for girls, blue for boys and white for people, who do not align themselves to either sex. Next to it there is also a rainbow zebra crossing dedicated to the gay community.

Social Democrat politician Jerzy Soetekouw said: ‘In Almere, everyone is free to be who they want to be. This is reinforced by the zebra crossings.’

The new crossing has attracted much praise but also criticism on social media.

One user posted: ‘It is a joke, I thought they wanted to be treated like everyone else.’

Another said: ‘In this case, I want a new zebra crossing for heterosexuals.’

‘With a crossing like this in front of a hospital, you give out an important signal as a municipality: everyone can be themselves.’


No. The municipality is forcing you to be someone other than yourself if you don’t believe men and women can switch their birth sex. If you don’t want to participate in this unscientific charade you will be forced to walk on a crosswalk that pretty much tells you you are not wanted in the community.

29 Comments on Dutch Town Touts Its “Transgender Cross Walk” as the “First in Europe”

  1. If it’s ok to castigate racists, then it’s ok to castigate these mentally disturbed deviants.

    Because being a racist is no more illegal than being a queer or tranny.

    And being a racist is certainly no more immoral than being a queer or tranny.

    Unless you’ve invented your very own deviant religion to go along with your deviant sexual activities, mayor buttboy.

  2. Also, a traffic hazard which will lead to more injuries and deaths.
    Although to be fair, every crosswalk I have ever used has been only for male and female. A shame really, that ‘other’ are just stuck there at the curb, unable to cross…

  3. And the first death occurred at the cross walk as a pedestrian was hit by a car which identified as a tricycle. No charges pending and a GoFundMe page was set up to help the Tricycle through its difficult repairs.

  4. Ummm, strikes me that it makes a perfect target range. I wonder if the city fathers had that in mind as they blared mindlessly about inclusion, diversity, rights and every other cliche.

  5. @Jerry Nadler’s Eyebrow November 5, 2019 at 11:55 am

    > What will the caliphate do now?

    A strongly worded press release. And fund raisers. Lots and lots of fund raisers. For studies. Of plans. To win hearts and minds. At the ballot box. To surrender. With dignity.

  6. And they still don’t get the diversity they’ve been flooding Europe with not only ins’t down with this zebra BS their master plan is to have everyone either become them and join Islam or die. Why don’t people consider how much this western insanity pushes them over the edge instead of DTJ killing a terrorist and saying he cried and died like.a dog. They fear Trump, they just want to off these morons in a way that offers maximum suffering.

  7. A crosswalk for Gold Member after the member is removed becoming Gold Nomember.
    No wonder Austin Powers and his father Nigel both were disgusted by the Dutch. Even Dr. Evil could see they often went to far.

    “How about no you crazy Dutch bastard”, Dr. Evil

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0QbXfvbjFk .

    That being said, I’ve been to the Netherlands a dozen or so times. Each trip was interesting. I miss getting meal of Dutch style shorama ever now and again. My homemade clone is never quite as good as the real deal.

  8. What no crosswalk with fake vomit for bulimics?
    how about a schizophrenia sidewalk that whispers voices as you cross?
    A crosswalk with many painted shadows for our multiple personality friends.


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