Earmarks Very Popular in McCarthy’s House – IOTW Report

Earmarks Very Popular in McCarthy’s House

Just the News

Capitol Hill lawmakers have returned to their old, frequently frowned-upon practice of inserting so-called “earmarks” into spending bills with such abandon for two-years and watchdog groups like Citizens Against Government Waste are arguing that earmarks should be be banned again.

The conservative-leaning watchdog group is calling for their end as Congress begins crafting the country’s fiscal 2024 budget, saying that earmark spending reached “near-record levels” in the second year since members of Congress restored the practice after an 11-year moratorium. More

8 Comments on Earmarks Very Popular in McCarthy’s House

  1. They do this shit because the people allow them to do it, or more accurately, they count on the people not paying attention, and they are accommodated every time.

  2. One idea, one bill, one vote, so we know where everyone stands. No more excuses, no more Christmas Tree spending bills, just a simple “yea or nay” on every single attempt at spending taxpayer dollars.


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