Ed Markey Introduces Court Packing Bill to the Senate – IOTW Report

Ed Markey Introduces Court Packing Bill to the Senate

Daily Caller

Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey introduced a bill to pack the Supreme Court on Tuesday, claiming during a press conference on the legislation that Justices Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett have “no right” to be on the Court.

Markey’s Judiciary Act of 2023, which pro-abortion groups Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America endorsed, would add four seats to the Supreme Court. During his press conference on the Supreme Court steps, Markey called for Justice Clarence Thomas to resign and claimed that two justices have “no right to be there.”

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“In 2016, Senate Republicans broke the rules and packed the court,” Markey said. “In 2020, Donald Trump helped them to break the rules again.” More

12 Comments on Ed Markey Introduces Court Packing Bill to the Senate

  1. To bad people haven’t figured out that when they blame Trump, they actually blame him for messin’ up their plans to sell America to the highest bidder.
    No, “messin” isn’t the word I was thinking of.

  2. Mister Frosty; it’s the only job he had previous to politics, selling frozen desserts to children while enjoying the strains of “Turkey in the Straw” playing from the loudspeaker on his dessert truck.

    Just in case you were wondering why he is as he is.

  3. Another fossil who has never done an honest day of work in his entire life.

    Same as Manchin, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Schitt, McConnell, McCarthy, and a host of others.

    Professional grifters.
    Another Poster Boy for term limits.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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