Emails Surface: More Evidence Hillary Clinton Paid For Anti-Trump Disinformation Operation – IOTW Report

Emails Surface: More Evidence Hillary Clinton Paid For Anti-Trump Disinformation Operation

Margot Cleveland

Evidence continues to mount that the Hillary Clinton campaign paid former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to launder fraudulent opposition research through U.S. intelligence agencies.

Newly published internal emails reveal that before Fusion GPS hired Steele on behalf of the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, the opposition-research firm began peddling several of the same Russia collusion lies that the former MI6 agent would later detail in the Steele dossier. This fact highlights a significant aspect of the Spygate scandal that deserves further focus and condemnation: Democrats’ outrageous exploitation of intelligence credentials and connections to launder scurrilous accusations against a political enemy.

Since early 2018, when the then-Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes exposed in a four-page memorandum evidence that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act during the 2016 presidential election cycle, Americans open to reality have been slowly learning of the breadth of the Spygate scandal.

Attention during this time rightly focused first on FISA abuse and the FBI’s use of unverified “intel” to obtain a court order to surveil former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. As the scandal continued to unravel, the categories of impropriety multiplied, from deep-staters illegally leaking to the media to build the collusion narrative and later to force the appointment of a special counsel, to the selection of the “right people” in the form of rabid partisans to staff the Crossfire Hurricane team.

Another underlying aspect of the scandal only became clear recently with the prosecution of former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann. Proceedings in Special Counsel John Durham’s false statement criminal case against Sussmann reveal Democrats paid credentialed individuals connected to U.S. intelligence agencies to pass, to both the press and the government, invented evidence of Trump colluding with Russia.

Sussmann, who previously worked for the DOJ, represents one such connected individual whose credentials served to hide the Clinton campaign’s responsibility for creating the Russia-collusion disinformation. Over the last several months, filings in the special counsel’s criminal case against Sussmann have exposed how he played his relationships with FBI and CIA agents to score meetings to pass on data and “white papers” related to the Alfa Bank and Yota phone Russia hoaxes, while hiding their origins. more

12 Comments on Emails Surface: More Evidence Hillary Clinton Paid For Anti-Trump Disinformation Operation

  1. I lost interest in this story after William Barr disappeared up his own asshole. The evidence has been there all along. Will anything ever come of it? We all know the answer.

  2. I wish the media (both sides) would stop calling this “Spygate” which just hides the true meaning: “The Campaign of Disinformation by Anti-American Forces to Prevent Donald J. Trump from being Re-Elected.”
    The word “Spygate” has little to no meaning to the General Public.

  3. At this juncture Hillary could go on national TV, admit she’s behind the whole hoax, with Comey, Brennan, McCabe and Strozk standing beside her and not a damn thing would happen.

  4. If you look for justice in this world, you’re a fool.

    “The strong do what they can; the weak suffer what they must.”
    (said 2500 years ago (roughly))

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Biden’s comical Departmental Disinformation Homeland Security’s first target should be the kicked-to-the-curb-for-a-desk cankled and hunchbacked Billary Clinton.

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