Emanuel Tells illegals Chicago ‘Always Will Be A Sanctuary City’ – IOTW Report

Emanuel Tells illegals Chicago ‘Always Will Be A Sanctuary City’

CHICAGO (CBS) — Even as President-elect Donald Trump vows to immediately deport 2 to 3 million undocumented immigrants when he takes office in January, Mayor Rahm Emanuel is reaffirming Chicago’s commitment as a so-called “sanctuary city.”

“To be clear about what Chicago is, it always will be a sanctuary city,” the mayor said Monday.

Emanuel sought to reassure those worried about Trump’s interview on “60 Minutes,” in which he said he plans to immediately deport or incarcerate up to 3 million undocumented immigrants who have criminal records.

“What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably 2 million, it could be even 3 million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate,” Trump said in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl. “But we’re getting them out of our country, they’re here illegally.”

Trump also has promised to block federal funding for sanctuary cities like Chicago. READ MORE

27 Comments on Emanuel Tells illegals Chicago ‘Always Will Be A Sanctuary City’

  1. Denver said the same yesterday as has LA, etc.
    They are publicly saying this now, while Trump still has to play nice and make sure he doesn’t set Obama off, but come January 20th we will see how much they like their federal funding.

  2. The 3895 people shot in the city of Chicago this year so far would disagree with the mayor’s statement about Chicago being a sanctuary city. Maybe we can get some guidelines as to what makes a city safe, it should be less than 3895 shot in less than a year that’s for sure.

  3. Foundation of all those shootings is the MEXICAN drug trade. And Emanuel is rock solid behind the Mexicans, many of them illegal. And the democrats are rock solid behind Emanuel. Chiraq has the highest paid teachers in the nation yet the good citizens cannot connect the dots between homicide rates and illegals. They deserve what they vote for. Sucks to be that stupid.

  4. This is great. I’m all in favor of maximal local control. I applaud they mayor’s willingness to forgo all federal funding for his city to stand for his principles.

    That is what he meant, isn’t it?

  5. Chicago is damn bloodbath with deaths hitting record levels under Rahm’s “leadership”. What they need is a sanctuary city for the residents of Chicago. On a side note, Rahm’s probably upset that with Hillary’s loss he’s pretty well f*cked. No cushy government job for him, he’s stuck in Bloody Chicago.

  6. The left, the rioters, the rinos and the media have made it plain as day that they love rapists, murderers, drug dealers and gangbangers and want them in this country.
    The media is especially tone deaf to what Trump said; rapists and murderers, drug dealers and gangsters.
    I despise all those who side with any criminal. And really despise the criminals running our gov’t and justice system!
    Emanuel needs to go to prison for the rest of his miserable life!

  7. Wonder how Rahmy’s brother, DOCTOR DEATH, is coping? Maybe they with Barky will decide to blow it off and go wild at MAN COUNTRY in Chicago, spreading their legs and disease for auld lang syne. TA TA TOOTS.

  8. 10th Amendment and all that is good … but aiding and abetting a foreign invasion is Treason – pure and simple.

    And make no mistake – the illegal-alien invasion of the rat-people is a foreign invasion – financed by the American drug cartels and assisted by the DoJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and everyone else who’s been tied into the Clintons (socialists) since the Mena days.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Rahm should ask himself whether most Americans would view turning Chicongo from a shithole into a radioactive shithole would be an improvement or not.

    Then he should STFU, and do what the God-Emperor tells him to do. Or he can glow in the dark. I don’t have a strong preference.

  10. Is Rahm going to pay for the services of illegals out of his own pocket? Why don’t they inform the people of his bankrupt city that they are going to pay for all those services with their own money as taxes skyrocket.

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