Empire State Building Goes Muslim Green – IOTW Report

Empire State Building Goes Muslim Green

In recognition of the end of Ramadan, one of the great Icons of NYC, the Empire State Building, was lit up in Green.


Pamela Geller is having none of it.


“This is not tolerance, this is surrender.” And I’m sure Muslim radicals view exactly that way.

22 Comments on Empire State Building Goes Muslim Green

  1. Fortunate enough or not, I’m young enough to witness all morals and christianity disappear from the school system. Around 6th grade, the pledge stopped in the morning. Then Christmas break became winter break, Easter became spring break, or in some parts they now call it a Holiday. There used to be a well decorated Christmas tree in the school, etc. That’s all gone and now when I take my kid to orientation for 3rd grade, a draped muslim stands up and asks if she is allowed to schedule a time to speak with the students about how great islam is. To which the teacher responds, Yes we encourage that. facepalm, I walked out. Wish I would have actually said something, but it wouldn’t be good with boiling blood. Yes, also I wish I was resourceful and smart enough to homeschool my kids. But to my point, this is our surrender – Our own unwinding of any morals as a nation founded on Christian principles.

  2. The myth that you aren’t smart enough or resourceful enough to homeschool your own child is a potent myth. There are tons of resources available and until “formal” ed started, all kids were educated at home.

    To that end, there are so many teachers absolutely disgusted with schools, I’m surprised they haven’t set up their own “homeschooling” groups, with parents either paying the teachers or bartering for other services.

  3. Only in the Ununited States of leftist fakers, free-shit takers and dumbed-down, self-absorbed, White guilt-ridden, Holier-Than-Thou, Gay-obsessed, Prius-driving, coexist bumper-sticker, bottled-water-drinking, granola-eating, celebrity-obsessed, rainbow-plantation, kumbaya-singing, hashtag opportunistic, Xanax-disabled, Valium-dependent, whining, finger-pointing door-knobs would we have a lighted tribute to muzlims who are Hell-bent on destroying us in a country divided by a lawless, carpet-bagging, phony-baloney, plastic banana republic Black “Messiah” where “common sense” has been replaced with the pretzel-logic of Loopy, Liberal Looneyland, manners have been replaced by Political Correctness and mental illness now somehow takes the place of Courage as demonstrated by “Caitlyn” Jenner!
    H-o-l-y shit! Where’s the Tylenol!

  4. One thing you/we can do is show up to school board meetings, make noise and gather others who feel as you do. In general these people running our schools into the dirt, canceling “christmas” and “easter” are simply cowards. They are used to getting their way. That must stop.

  5. I’m surprised that the $40,346 I’ve paid just to the school district my kids attend through property taxes over the past 15 years (not to mention the other district they will attend in high school) living here that the money has to go against my family and country.

  6. Wave of the future. My sister homeschooles and many of my Ns do, too. They share much of the duties. One is math proficient, so he takes over that instruction. Another is English and yet another is self-taught history buff.

    And they don’t take any shit from the kids because they know their behind will feel the wrath of a responsible adult. They not only teach the kids book learning but ethics, morals, and good citizenship.

    I’m proud of them all.

    PS, some proper gun handling as well, but, shhhhh, don’t tell anyone!

  7. This country’s surrender was obvious many years ago.

    There are few of us willing to speak out in public because we will be labelled the “meany” by ALL. Even the folks that believe in Free Speech but reserve the right to be critical on the basis of “tone” or “style” or some other “sophisticated” criterium.

  8. Appeasement in a political context is a diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an enemy power in order to avoid conflict.
    When will we ever learn….

  9. You obviously can read and write, you can home school your kids and do a better job than the public commie/sexual perversion indoctrination centers. Get your kids OUT.

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