Even if Bernie endorses Hillary, his organizers say they’re still #NeverHillary – IOTW Report

Even if Bernie endorses Hillary, his organizers say they’re still #NeverHillary

RAP: Thanks to the Bernie Sanders Democratic revolution, party unity could frail by November.

Nearly one week ago, Hillary Clinton became the presumptive Democratic nominee and on Sunday, Bernie Sanders held a meeting at his home in Vermont with 20 supporters and advisers to discuss how to proceed.

“We are going to take our campaign to the convention with the full understanding that we are very good at arithmetic and that we know, you know, who has the received the most votes up to now,” Sanders said following the meeting. He added that he would continue his efforts at “transforming the Democratic Party,” alluding to the fact that the nomination may no longer be his main goal. Political experts expect Sanders to unite with Clinton in an effort to defeat Republican nominee Donald Trump, and the expectation was that Sanders supporters would follow his lead.

However, that doesn’t seem likely.

Sanders, who has accumulated a large millennial following, appealed to his supporters, but they aren’t willing to support Hillary to defeat Trump if it means sacrificing their principles.


SNIP: Yessss… Show me your anger, young ones. Come to the Trump side… We have cookies!

cookie jar

3 Comments on Even if Bernie endorses Hillary, his organizers say they’re still #NeverHillary

  1. How come Conservative women, when they open up a can of verbal whup-ass, sound authoritative, and determined?
    But when the likes of Hitlary and Fauxohauntus open up they sound like the neighbor lady, screeching at her dogs to get off the couch

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