Examples of Unintended Consequences – IOTW Report

Examples of Unintended Consequences

A better title would be, “Indications that a progressive is in charge,” for this little video. Sadly, it’s when the left means to cause misery and destruction that their policies work as intended. Watch

13 Comments on Examples of Unintended Consequences

  1. Like the lowering of taxes that creates a vibrant economy, the left refuses to acknowledge it. They care nothing about cause and effect their only focus is the increase of control. They are crude and clumsy thinkers that are single minded and always will be.

  2. Yes, nothing about welfare, affirmative action, bussing, Socialism, cash for klunkers, progressive taxation, rent control and on and on and on. Big disappointment.

  3. Democrats actually fixing problems would be like Bob Kane allowing Batman to eradicate Gotham City of all crime. A crime-free Gotham City would no longer have a need for a millionaire prancing across the city in spandex.

  4. @Dr. Tar – “Fixed immediately” by raising taxes and throwing millions/billions of dollars of other people’s money at some other cause not even related to the problem they caused in the first place.

  5. Like the poacher gradually luring an animal with food only to entrap them, this strategy applied to the weak minded is used with very effective results by the demoncrats. The dimwitted go happily to their own demise.

  6. Lake Michigan had a problem with a large population of fish called Alewives. To control them, they brought in Salmon. Salmon loved munching on the Alewives, and, unintendedly, their population grew as the Alewives decreased.

    As the Alewives decrease, so did the Salmon. But *HORRORS* that meant that the huge number of Salmon fishermen and businesses built up to take the Salmon fishermen to catch the Salmon were slowly running out of business/fish.

    Then a great idea emerged. “Let’s bring back more Alewives and raise Salmon to repopulate the lake with them both”!


  7. Geez Claudia, that sounds a lot like what is going on in this country. We pretty much eliminated several diseases, polio, tb etc. Then the politicians maneuvered to flood the country with illegal people from other countries to bring them back. Oh, and not enough violent crime, bring in more violent murderous criminals across the border. Then cry racism when the citizens object.

  8. There are no “unintended” consequences – only consciously ignored consequences.
    “Well, let’s not think about THAT!”
    If the totalitarian sycophants, lackeys, and lickspittles close their eyes and wish really – REALLY – hard, things will turn out for the best (for THEM, by the way, not for their native land or for humanity, in general).

    izlamo delenda est …


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