Fake, Deceptive, and Dishonest – IOTW Report

Fake, Deceptive, and Dishonest

Fox News

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz sat down for her first interview as the 2024 Democratic ticket on Thursday and only two words come to mind:


Trainwreckalicious. More

The body language expert Newsmax brought on found her to be “fake” and “deceptive.” Watch

12 Comments on Fake, Deceptive, and Dishonest

  1. It’s a shame, even after the facts are exposed….the numb-minded still refuse to engage their brain, (I’m sure that’s being presumptuous on my part to assume they even have one), as they continue to vote for the down-fall of America.

  2. Well heck. Here’s a thought considering where and how Klammy got her start. Not every actress is a prostitute but every prostitute is an actress. Now why does one suppose Klams comes off deceitful, deceptive and dishonest? The hoor isn’t a good actress, and that’s the trick (no pun intended, but…) selling the product the hooker doesn’t have to be a very good actress but at this point the poon is staying covered so the whore has to do better. This one’s not. It’s all just a natural flow. It also shows how little the commies-sorry, fascists, oop, demorats think of the public, and how feeble they are as well.

  3. She’s a scripted fictional character propped up and promoted by the media. NOTHING about her is genuine or honest…except her lust for status and power. She cares ONLY about herself.


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