False Accuser Shaun Lying King’s Record of Harm – IOTW Report

False Accuser Shaun Lying King’s Record of Harm

TH: This week, “journalist, activist and humanitarian” Shaun King will give a keynote speech at the annual Innocence Network conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The theme of the event, whose attendees work to prevent and undo wrongful convictions, is “The Presumption of Innocence.”

I’ve covered many flabbergasting things over the course of 25 years as a columnist, author, blogger and documentary host, but this one takes the cake.

It was just three months ago that King recklessly exploited the shooting death of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes in Houston, Texas, to stoke racial fear and hatred. The little girl and her family, who are black, got caught in crossfire at a Walmart parking lot. The Black Lives Matter activist and columnist for the Intercept immediately pounced — using his huge Twitter platform, followed by 1.1 million people, to cast the incident as a racial hate crime. King splashed a photo of Robert Cantrell, a white man who had been arrested for robbery the same day as the Barnes shooting, all over social media.

“We’ve had 20 people call or email us and say he is a racist, violent a–hole and always has been. Just tell me everything you know,” Social Justice Detective King incited on Twitter. Cantrell’s family members faced vitriol and death threats online as a result of the irresponsible gossip-mongering. After two black men were arrested for the murder, King sputtered to save his reputation — first by claiming credit for passing on a tip that led to the arrests (which he kept quiet about while stoking anti-white hatred), and then by doubling down with a fake-but-accurate defense.

“We live in a time where somebody could do something like this based purely on hate or race,” he smugly argued. “And that it turned out to not be the case I don’t think changes the devastating conclusion that people had thought something like that was possible.”

There’s nothing “humanitarian” or exemplary about such an attitude. This is race-hustling cynicism at its worst. It’s par for the twisted course for King, who is a serial apologist for treating people as guilty until proven innocent and for threatening those who call him out (including critics within the progressive left who have alleged he has ripped off the movement).

In May 2018, the Lying King led the witch hunt against innocent white Texas state trooper Daniel Hubbard by spreading the false claims of a black woman who lied about Hubbard raping her during a traffic stop. That admitted liar, Sherita Dixon-Cole, escaped prosecution based on a technicality. King’s reward? Moving up from the New York Daily News to a coveted position at the Harvard-affiliated Fair Punishment Project, which in part conducts research to prevent more wrongful convictions.  more here

10 Comments on False Accuser Shaun Lying King’s Record of Harm

  1. “We live in a time where somebody could do something like this based purely on hate or race,” he smugly argued. “And that it turned out to not be the case I don’t think changes the devastating conclusion that people had thought something like that was possible.”

    This quote confirms something I stated about the Left when the Smollet case broke: it doesn’t matter that it was a hoax and didn’t actually happen…it’s still true!

    The Left will not stop, there will be no apology.

  2. 150 years ago the Socialist Workers’s Party was formed on the south side of the Paris river. River goes from east to west; so they were on the “left” side. Marx + Engles understood humans. their #1 political tool was, “tell a lie loud enough, and long enough. It becomes a fact!” aka “the Big lie” which was Adi’s primary tool.

    If others do not expose the liberal lie as a progressive lie; it becomes a fact! Which is why the GWB/BHO/rove censorship[ of conservatives is worrisome!

    for non Saxons id the diminutive for Adolplh; a nickname.


    That used to be my handle here on IOTW.

    What a worthless piece of crap. He’s a dangerous idiot and in the days of Bierce would have been left beaten and bleeding in an abandoned mine.

  4. You people do know where all this is
    leading to right? I am scared.I am at the
    point where most people outside my little
    private circle are unreachable verbally.I am
    in the process of mounting dual automobile cameras
    and a police style body cam on me.You would not
    believe the CRAP I SEE EVERYDAY FROM

  5. Words today.
    “journalist, activist, humanitarian and aspiring rapper”
    Just cut to it and Wiki ,
    if you want to reduce the results just add mental illness, delusional or plain out retarded.


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