Far Left “Democratic Socialist” Defeats Establishment Dem in NYC Congressional Primary – IOTW Report

Far Left “Democratic Socialist” Defeats Establishment Dem in NYC Congressional Primary


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old, Bernie-Sanders-supporting political novice, has defeated incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) in the 14th congressional district in the New York primary.

Ocasio-Cortez ran on an explicit promise to abolish the federal Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, as well as to nationalize health care.

In the last days before the primary, Ocasio-Cortez traveled to McAllen, Texas to join left-wing protests against President Trump’s immigration policies. She organized a large volunteer contingent to canvass her district while she was away.


17 Comments on Far Left “Democratic Socialist” Defeats Establishment Dem in NYC Congressional Primary

  1. …and only 10% of registered Dems came out to vote.

    Like someone in the ether wrote, this November’s election is going to be a verrry small circle jerk for radical Democrats and a tidal wave for Republicans.

  2. Look Cortez, I’d like some free Gold Bars and an hourly Blow job too, but we don’t always get what we want. Sometimes what we want for Ourselves doesn’t
    work for the rest of the Country.
    She’s 28 so imagine what stagnant Rot is festering in that skull, willingly
    installed by a PonyTailed Proffessor.

  3. Oh the sweet irony, the Democrats fill the millennial’s heads with all this mushy SJ, open border, socialist crap and then the socialist they created takes down the legacy Democrats first. Priceless.

  4. Ironic how the America haters who
    wish to weaken the Country are sitting
    in the cities that are the primary
    targets of our enemies who are just
    waiting for that weakness to hit the
    critical point where they can wipe
    out those cities with impunity.


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