Faulconer to help lead opposition to Gov. Moonbeam’s parole measure – IOTW Report

Faulconer to help lead opposition to Gov. Moonbeam’s parole measure

SacBee– San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer will announce Wednesday that he plans to help lead the opposition to Gov. Jerry Brown’s statewide fall ballot initiative to make some felons eligible for early parole.

Faulconer, among the state’s most prominent Republicans, is scheduled to appear with a trio of county prosecutors and victims’ rights advocate Marc Klaas at an 11 a.m. event in San Diego.

“Every family deserves to feel safe in their homes and community,” Faulconer said in a prepared statement Tuesday. “But Prop. 57 would make it easier for criminals who have committed deplorable, violent crimes to be eligible for early release. I’m joining public safety leaders and victim’s rights advocates from across California to strongly oppose this misguided measure.”

As head of the nation’s largest city with a Republican mayor, Faulconer provides the No on Proposition 57 campaign an elected leader from outside of law enforcement to counter Brown, a relatively popular fourth-term governor.   more