Feminists and SJWs are Joyless, Angry, Frustrated Cranks – IOTW Report

Feminists and SJWs are Joyless, Angry, Frustrated Cranks

Remember the video of the man who was video-bombed by his kids during his live broadcast?

Feminists found a way to take the joy and fun out of it.

11 Comments on Feminists and SJWs are Joyless, Angry, Frustrated Cranks

  1. “I don’t like the British guy. STFU DUDE”

    LOL. Dude, you’re in the wrong place if you hate PJW.

    Do you also go to an Italian restaurant and hate that tacos aren’t on the menu?

    Do you make it a habit to go to a local sport team’s game and root for the visiting team?

    Is that how you get your joy?

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