
Foul-Mouthed, Filthy Feminists

Radical feminism is an oppressive and rather brutal ideology that has vast cultural implications. With a goal of control, radical feminism focuses on destroying traditional relationships using shaming, violence and misrepresentation of facts. And there is nothing feminine about radical feminism or feminists. Celebrating your birthday naked while on a toilet in a public restroom?  How lady like.


Women have the power to forge unbreakable family and community ties – or they can use their power for destructive purposes. Women have the power to be encouraging, nurturing, positive and productive; or harmful, lethal and cancerous.

Today’s liberal women are destructive, antagonistic women, devoted to their own misery in undermining traditional institutions crucial for a healthy, dynamic society: marriage, motherhood, and fatherhood.

The history of lies told by repugnant liberal women has never been more evident than the 2016 Presidential election.

Even Michelle Obama’s claim that Donald Trump’s lewd comments from 2005 left her “shaken to the core” is dubious. Michelle has apparently forgotten Reverend Wright, from the pulpit of the Obamas’ church saying, “And Bill and Monica Lewinsky was riding dirty. Yeah, chickens have come home to roost, baby. Bill was riding dirty.”

Michelle Obama’s favorite role model for her daughters – Beyonce and Jay Z, rappers who make a living off singing about raping women, and graphic descriptions of sex. Jay Z “got Obama on text” and Beyonce has Michelle on speed dial. The First Lady is a self-described feminist.

The female Democratic nominee for President, Hillary Clinton, has been no friend to women who’ve crossed her or her abusive, philandering, womanizing husband. Her partners in the liberal media have done their best to cover up he many Clinton crimes, despite the severity and ramifications.  MORE


  1. None of this REgressive bullshit would be possible without the willful acquiescence of strong men. REgressive men are pussies but I wonder why we haven’t rose up and smashed this bullshit.

    Is Trump the weapon we’ve been seeking?

  2. I was thinking earlier today, how ironic that these dumb b*tches just LOVE showing everyone their tits and twats, but act like they have mental meltdowns over someone just saying the word p*ssy.

  3. @MM – the reason is the same reason we haven’t stomped the left before this. Conservatives are basically nice people. Too nice, it turns out. We’ve let them get away with it because we didn’t want to offend. It’s time we offended. The left needs to be completely and utterly destroyed.

  4. God made Man & women.
    He did not make them “equal”.
    No man equals a woman and no
    woman equals a man.BTW there is no
    “justice” on this planet so get the F*&^ over it!

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