Flake Picks Illegals Over GOP Voters – IOTW Report

Flake Picks Illegals Over GOP Voters

Just wanted to remind you that Flake is still digging that hole.


Sen. Jeff Flake announced last week he was joining the resistance against President Trump.

On Monday, Politico published an excerpt from the Arizona Republican’s new book, “Conscience of a Conservative,” that called for Congress to stop Trump’s agenda. Additionally, Flake castigated his own party for making political discourse in the country so toxic, and his fellow conservatives for not standing up for civil discourse.

The senator garnered several headlines for coming out against a Republican president so fervently, and the coverage of it was certainly friendly to Flake. What more could journalists want than a Republican calling out his party for birtherism in the summer of 2017?

But Flake isn’t just about opposing Trump — he wants the GOP to follow an entirely different political path. One that is very, very civil with the opposing side. Besides that, it’s not much different from what prominent Republicans were offering before Trump came to dominate the party.

One of the issues the Arizona senator highlights in his new work is immigration — and his position on it is very much in opposition to Trump’s. Flake wants to give nearly all illegal immigrants a path to legal status and would like to increase the number of newcomers America takes in every year. read more

16 Comments on Flake Picks Illegals Over GOP Voters

  1. Flake Has definitely flushed himself out of office. He must be related to McCain. He does have a penchant for putting himself on the wrong side, every single time!

  2. Not Bidding,

    “Aside from the President, is anyone on our side?”

    Yes, the Marines, and a civilian population that owns 300 million guns and 8 trillion rounds of ammunition.

  3. If you’ve ever watched an interview or listened to this clown responding to questions from the press, it’s easy to see he has an inflated opinion of, and sees himself as a deep and sophisticated thinker. Truth is he’s a rather pedestrian clown.

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