Florida Voter Fraud Case Could Overturn U.S. House Race – IOTW Report

Florida Voter Fraud Case Could Overturn U.S. House Race

American Thinker:

By Jeff Lukens
Last November, Democrat fraudsters bypassed the presidential race and focused instead on the down-ballot races. In Florida, local Democrat candidates received more votes than either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris at the top of the ballot. Something was definitely amiss. 

For instance, Republican Rocky Rochford was running against incumbent Democrat Kathy Castor for the U.S. House seat in Congressional Race 14 (FL-14). The district straddles Hillsborough and Pinellas counties and includes the cities of Tampa and St. Petersburg. Castor was declared the winner, but Rochford is now contesting the race, claiming voter fraud, primarily by vote-by-mail ballots. 

There is also deep suspicion that this method of fraud has happened across the country, costing Republicans three U.S. Senate seats, about a dozen House seats, and countless local municipal seats and referendums.

A longtime Trump associate, Peter Ticktin, is representing Rochford. The Ticktin Law Group has identified a systematic breakdown of internal election controls that affected the FL-14 race and other races far beyond. They have found duplicate voters called “clones” in the voter rolls. These fraudulent clones are digital people created based on the identities of real people, with minor variations in name spelling, birth dates, and addresses. Multiple clones can be made based on the identity of a single real person. As a result, fraudsters can manufacture unlimited numbers of these cloned voters in the cyber world. They estimate approximately 10-15 thousand cloned voters on the Florida voter rolls.  more

8 Comments on Florida Voter Fraud Case Could Overturn U.S. House Race

  1. Fraud(vote)-by-mail needs to end. Love to see this be the start of it unraveling, or FEC actually do something (have called them they are useless).
    Short of that, keep your powder dry.

  2. Now do at LEAST 10 races in CA. I believe in federalism as much as the next guy, and states SHOULD be solely responsible for their elections, but the HONESTY of their elections impacts 330,000,000 Americans and because it does, EVERYONE has the right to DEMAND HONESTY FROM EVERYONE.

  3. If one can’t get to the polling place in person on voting day, then one doesn’t get to cast a vote that election. Out of town for vacation, business, or the season? Don’t care, franchise surrendered for that election; exercise due care in the future if one wants to vote.

  4. Pray for Duval/Jacksonville FL. Democrat Mayor, Democrat City Council, Republicans are moving out in droves to neighboring St Johns County. Taxes, crime, poverty and poor education and govt law and order breakdowns are the reason. Will the last Republican moving out of Duval please turn out the lights.

  5. Mid 2025? Musk and his growing army will be busy for 4 years to root out all of this crooked crap. He needs to have a group go after all this election fraud state by state now, purge this crap out, then write the software to close all possible loopholes and lock all the back doors so they can’t be opened again. Maybe they can get it accomplished before the Midterms.


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