Ford Open To Communication With Business Friendly Trump – IOTW Report

Ford Open To Communication With Business Friendly Trump


Ford Motor Co. was a target of Donald Trump’s criticism on the campaign trail for building cars in Mexico, and now that Trump will be president, Ford said it’s willing to work with him to keep jobs in the U.S. — provided Trump puts the right policies in place, according to the automaker’s chief executive officer.

“We will be very clear in the things we’d like to see,” Mark Fields said in an exclusive interview Friday at Bloomberg offices in Southfield, Michigan.

Among them, according to Fields: currency-manipulation rules to promote free and fair trade, tax reform and safety guidelines for autonomous vehicles.

Fields said that Ford plans to lobby the new president to soften U.S. and state fuel-economy rules. They hurt profits by forcing automakers to build more electric cars and hybrids than are warranted by customer demand, he said.

“In 2008, there were 12 electrified vehicles offered in the U.S. market and it represented 2.3 percent of the industry,” Fields said in the interview. “Fast forward to 2016, there’s 55 models, and year to date it’s 2.8 percent.”

This isn’t exactly a formula for success, he said. “At the end of the day, you’ve got to have customers, so obviously, there would be pressure on the business if there’s not a market,” he said.

The No. 2 U.S. carmaker was one of the companies Trump singled out on the campaign trail for sending production to Mexico. The Republican threatened to slap a 35 percent tariff on cars Ford builds south of the border and ships back to the U.S.



10 Comments on Ford Open To Communication With Business Friendly Trump

  1. FORD makes a valid point about the ridiculous CAFE standards, other regulations and electric cars. Trump has promised to address them.

    The recent find of over a Trillion and a half cubic feet of natural gas in the Permian Basin, which at current consumption rates is 600,000! years worth should be a cluebat to FORD.

    We’ve been able to use natural gas in autos for decades and while it doesn’t have the same kick as gasoline, just look at how powerful 4 cylinder engines have gotten the last 10+ years.

    The hump in electric cars are the batteries. They weigh a ton. Use precious and expensive rare earth elements. And are huge environmental problems both manufacturing them and disposing of them. IOW, they’re stupid. Why go to the trouble of using natural gas to generate electricity when you can skip that and fuel your car directly with it?

    Musk wouldn’t have a car without the government kicking in over $5 Billion(and counting) Sheesh, everything the government touches turns to shit.

  2. The Government should not be picking winners and losers. We are 20 Trillion dollars in debt. Giving Carrier 7 million goes on the debt.
    Anyone remember Solyndra? Instead change the tax code for ALL Corporations and let the strong survive. Let’s not put more debt on our children. Just a thought although I’m glad to have Trump as our President we need not act like Democrats with the Corp handouts. there is no difference between a Solyndra handout or a Carrier handout.

  3. Oh, so NOW Ford is bitching about CAFE standards. They didn’t dare bitch during Obamas’ regime. Tuck your tail between your legs like the good little crony capitalists you are. I don’t think Ford is in any position to be demanding certain guidelines (which by the way,Trump has already covered during his campaign).

  4. The landscape will be changed for all.
    Please don’t listen to the vapid Palin.
    What Trump is doing now is “talking” with companies and showing how he can influence their behavior with promised changes.
    He didn’t “give Carrier” anything.
    He’s not president.

    What he is doing now is showing how our economy can be stimulated by making changes to tax codes and regulations.
    Anyone can speak in theory.
    But to be able to point to companies and say, “look what they were willing to do if I did this,” is extremely powerful.

    Still, we have people not trusting Trump and whining?
    He knows what makes an economy tick. He’s not interested in lining Ford’s or Carrier’s pocket. He is for the American worker.

  5. BFH I know he’s not the president yet! He did promise Carrier 7 million in tax breaks that’s a fact. My point was to treat all companies the same by changing tax code. Valid point don’t you think.
    7 million tax break needs to be offset by 7 million in spending cuts or it adds to the debt. Sorry I forgot you cant point out anything about Trump on this website. GO CAPITALISM

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