Forensic Linguistics – IOTW Report

Forensic Linguistics

Here’s Woody’s comment in The Puppet, The Actor, The Pawn post –

I had been noticing different speech patterns in her tweets compared to her actual personal appearances. Hard to put my finger on some now, but simple connecting words like,”how ironic that…” in tweets becomes “it’s really ironic” on TV…
And tweeting ”and I surmise…” becomes “.. I would think…” as she babbles on in person about what she ‘thinks.’

What a great nuance to have picked up on. This is what the field of Forensic Linguistics studies. These writing patterns can be as identifiable as fingerprints.

Jack Cashill has made the case that Bill Ayers wrote Dreams of My Father based on Forensic Linguistic examination.

I think Woody is onto something when he compares Cortez’s usual use of words to what appears in her tweets. Studied more closely I would bet you could make the case that she is not authoring these Tweets.

I think what were seeing is her handlers authoring the Tweets, her studying the tweets (as she’s directed to do), and then she mouths them in public. She gets the gist and then uses her own words to express what we’re to believe she is writing.





14 Comments on Forensic Linguistics

  1. woody, that is an amazing pick-up! I mainly read her tweets and don’t pay attention too much to her speech but I definitely have noticed her speech is much more juvenile than “her” writing. Something more to mull about but I think BFH has nailed the reason.

  2. Most of her tweets have one–and only one– “+” sign on place of “and”. The rest of the time she uses the word “and”. It is like an algorithm to make the words seem authentic, but the repetition makes it noticeably fake and annoying. Classic NPC.

  3. I think Ben Stein, who I love, put it best when he said of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: She dosen’t know her ass from her elbow.
    ‘nough said. Also check out The Dunning-Kruger Effect. Interesting.

  4. This is how Adolf Hitler started and gained popularity.

    There’s a False Flag coming that will enable her to take center stage and focus hearts and minds on her positions.

    These are dangerous people with devious plans. Trust me.

  5. Regional speech patterns are becoming less distinct, due largely to mass communications. (An exception might be some ebonic-type “ghetto” dialects.) Isolated pockets in Britain retain remnants of the early root languages- Welsh, Erse, Gaelic, Cymric etc and are barely comprehensible to non-natives.
    For that matter, Old and Middle English, derived from Germanic (i.e. Saxon) are difficult to decipher, and have been overlaid with Latin and Norman French. There is some Scandinavian/Danish and a little Dutch mixed in as well.
    The advent of printing served to standardize orthography and contributed to a flowering of literature which may have peaked in the era between, say, Shakespeare and Dickens. The elements comprising the English language make it very flexible and expressive.
    One can still find good prose in Manchester, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Franklin and Twain, and in the private letters of Civil War correspondents.

    Journalese and tweets have corrupted the language, people rarely write the way they speak.

  6. No doubt this kunt is being manipulated. She’s too stupid to answer and tweet responses by herself. The way to expose her is by making sure she answers questions while being tapped. Let her stand on her own two feet! Or hooves.

  7. I recognized a while ago that she is just an actress. She auditioned for the part and has been directed since. If she, like, y’know, thinks she actually believes this stuff too, it like makes it easier to get in character and then y’know ad-lib when she forgets her lines.

  8. With her first few Tweets (& the first time I heard her speak) I knew they were 2 different voices. Every site where I could leave a comment–maybe even here–I wrote that I didn’t believe she was capable of her own Tweets. Not that they were clever (although some were) but they were “tightly” written. Her mouth (lol–that mouth) runs on and on and on. Poor AOC.

  9. …..and now i have to go to bed an hour early….

    ….i hate daylight savings time……..

    …well, i hate SWITCHING to daylight savings time….

    …..i would not mind daylight savings time year round…it’s just the “hour lost” “hour gained” crap that screws up my circadian rhythms….

    ………pick one…..and stick to it….

    …and why do the feds thing they can control time, anyway?????


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