Former Islamic Extremist on Terror Threat: ISIS ‘Will Stop at Nothing’ – IOTW Report

Former Islamic Extremist on Terror Threat: ISIS ‘Will Stop at Nothing’

FOX- A former Islamic extremist weighed in on “The Kelly File” tonight about the 4th of July terror threat.

morten storm former jihad

Morten Storm is a former Danish gangster who turned to radical Islam and joined Al Qaeda in Yemen. He tried to join jihadists fighting in Somalia, before he changed courses and became a CIA informant.

Megyn Kelly asked Storm how important it would be for ISIS to hit Americans in the homeland. 

9 Comments on Former Islamic Extremist on Terror Threat: ISIS ‘Will Stop at Nothing’

  1. “They will try to terrorize people mentally, so they are actually scared before anything happens,”

    Storm is an unstable flake being used by his CIA handlers to push their narrative and boost the power for a bunch of impotent, big-talking internet jihadi trolls. Kind of like Nakoila Basseley Nakoula…

    We are getting played again. Party harder, tomorrow, people.

  2. As one who has to venture to Phoenix and Tucson to make money, these ISIS guys make me nervous.
    I am not into being vaporized, poisoned, or shot at in this heat.
    I am in no mood to run, either.
    If I see some terrorist bastards I will do what the Swede threatened to do to Gunny Highway in Heartbreak Ridge

  3. Fuck Storm and Fuck Megan too. Talk, talk, talk, and more frightening talk. Making us feel threatened every moment of our lives. Then questioning the actions of our first defenders at every chance. Is it constitutional? Do we have the right? Fuck off you bunch of pampered, well protected talking heads. I’m sick of the lot of you. Yeah, you too O’Reilly, Geraldo, Gretta, Juan,Cristin, and the broad on Fox with what my Mom used to say “the cheap smile.”(?) They all suck.

    My answer: Arm and train every American with a clean record.
    And let the games begin

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