Former Seattle City Council Member Admits Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real and He’s Trying To Recover From It – IOTW Report

Former Seattle City Council Member Admits Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real and He’s Trying To Recover From It

This is dedicated to all the morons with Trump Derangement Syndrome on Twitter.

The hardest step is admitting you’re a loon. Once you recognize this, you *might* be able to save yourself. But I doubt it.

Seattle Times-

When Nick Licata retired from politics two years ago, he figured he’d get some refreshing distance from the all-consuming experience of being in the arena. Some quiet from the constant battle of politics to recharge for his next chapter.

Then his obsession started.

“I’m on MSNBC, CNN, even Fox News, usually in the morning and then often checking back in around dinner and later at night,” Licata said. “I do wake up wondering: What did Trump say today? But also what the pundits have to say about what Trump said. And on and on, until it all starts over the next day.

“This fixation is so surprising,” he added. “I admit I’m struggling with it.”

“I know you can’t just sit there in front of the TV or the computer, foaming at the mouth about this stuff,” Licata said. “I wrote a whole book about how you have to go out and organize! But as they say, the first stage of recovery is recognition, right?”


ht/ jd hasty

14 Comments on Former Seattle City Council Member Admits Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real and He’s Trying To Recover From It

  1. Perhaps Seattle isn’t the best venue for recovery. Move to a deep red state and surround yourself with normal people. You might even discover that they make more sense than people who worship and have sex with trees.

  2. “In professional wrestling they call what Trump is doing “working the marks.” It’s a technique to elicit charged emotional reactions from the crowd, as a means to get them to suspend their disbelief that the whole enterprise is an obvious con.”

    It’s the media that is “working the marks”, not Trump. If this guy can’t figure that out, he’s hopeless.

  3. The Seattle Times writer, Westneat, is — like the whole of the Seattle Times — a ridiculous tool of the Left. Not smart enough to even give a subjective opinion.

    This piece isn’t about really understanding TDS, it’s about trying to club pro-Trump voters. Again.


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