Fox News “Reshuffle” More Of A Rearranging Of Deck Chairs on the Titanic – IOTW Report

Fox News “Reshuffle” More Of A Rearranging Of Deck Chairs on the Titanic

PJ Media

With grand fanfare, Fox News rolled out its first night of the post-Tucker Carlson permanent primetime lineup Monday night. The ratings were released Tuesday, showing a freefall in viewership. Even Sean Hannity lost the ratings battle to MSNBC. Let’s just say that at this point the guys in the executive suites might need some smelling salts. More

14 Comments on Fox News “Reshuffle” More Of A Rearranging Of Deck Chairs on the Titanic

  1. Losing out to an obvious Propaganda channel is about as low as they can go.
    Whut an accomplishment Lachlan… or more like Lachluster.
    Once again we see the fruits of working for a member of the lucky sperm club!
    Even from here I can hear Roger Ailes’ voice echoing in the halls of Fox:
    Rupert, yer an Asshole!

  2. Greg Gutfeld’s bumpers are so insincere and snarky. They are a parody of itself and he knows it.
    Fox jumped the shark when they called the Arizona Race for Biden.

  3. …Were I to go down in a modern Titanic, knowing what I know now about tragedy voyeurism and knowing I was going to die, I would do something random like hang a toilet seat on a masthead or put the Captain’s pants on a cleat just so some trouble tourism lookielou in the future would randomly and incorrectly speculate about how it came to be…

  4. I can barely watch Ingram for very long. Jesse Waters is ok when he stays with the humor parts of his shows. Hannity is like trying to hide a turd in your sock. Gutfelds show can be pretty funny….sometimes….

  5. repeat for emphasis
    HANITY IS A BUSH REPUBLICAN! The FBI has been a tool of the UNIPARTY since Mueller 22 (twenty two) years! Were there any “good”men left 10 years ago, they would have killed Mueller’s attacks (naming just a few; if you need more ask.) Gen Flynn( A Ronny Dem when Mueller first attacked him. Now a Don R!), Carter page, Roget Stone.

    Hanity is either ;’
    A “Bush Republican: LIAR – or a total moron!

  6. Geoff the aardvark – Couldn’t listen to much Radio in my working days (odd shifts here & there) but since my retirement I listen to something called RUSH HOUR featuring BO SNERDLEY . He can be heard on 77 WABC online.

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