Fox News Stars Stand With Roger Ailes; Willing to walk – IOTW Report

Fox News Stars Stand With Roger Ailes; Willing to walk

Breitbart: CLEVELAND, Ohio — All of Fox News’ primetime lineup is willing to walk out of the network with chief executive and chairman Roger Ailes if he is pushed out by Rupert Murdoch and his family, Breitbart News has confirmed.

Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, Shepard Smith, Bret Baier, Eric Bolling, Neil Cavuto, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Laura Ingraham, Geraldo Rivera, Juan Williams, Jeanine Pirro, Bo Dietl, Monica Crowley, all of the Fox and Friends hosts, and at least 50 Fox News contributors are willing to depart the network if Ailes is ousted, and leave with him to form a new network, one of the network’s anchors told Breitbart News late Tuesday.  more

19 Comments on Fox News Stars Stand With Roger Ailes; Willing to walk

  1. Dont’ you love it when people threaten to walk out and the overwhelming public reaction is a yawn ?
    Horrendo, SHepard, Youwan Williams, Bill O’Really might LEAVE?!!!

    Don’t let the door hit you, let me instead usher your asses out with my boot.

  2. Appears to be an orchestrated and retaliatory media news cycle maneuver by the not so foxy kelly to minimize Trumps selection and make the news all about her.
    The similarity to hillary’s strategy is astonishing.

  3. Neil Cavuto, Monica Crowley and Bret Baier are probably the only ones who don’t annoy me.

    I know Megyn Kelly was a corporate lawyer or something back in the day, but am I to understand she couldn’t figure out her way to a police officer or to file some sort of harassment complaint, as a lawyer?

  4. It’s nice to have these self-manufactured ‘celebrities’ expose themselves for what they truly are: high priced WHORES.
    “Pay me enough money and I’ll read anything you put in front of me, and represent as ‘news’ whatever agenda you wish.”

  5. Lots of hot air. Owner Murdoch now wants to dispose longtime buddy Ailes, and the Gretchen Carlson suit adds to the timing.

    Personally I doubt any of these Fox ‘big names’ have any intention of walking away from fat contracts to follow an elderly Ailes who could keel over in a dirt nap any day now, to start up a new 24/7 news channel that Ailes has no funding to launch? Too funny.

    Murdoch and his people probably intend to complete Fox’s gradual move to the center-
    Left. FOX already features 70% leftist/liberal commentary that I can’t distinguish from CNN or even MSNBC.

    Of all the names mentioned, the only ones I would miss are Hannitty and Cavuto.
    If Bill O’Reilly did leave, I’d celebrate. Pompous windbag

  6. Murdoch’s sons are very left wing globalists who think people are too dumb to be trusted with facts. If they succeed in ousting Ailes I hope the top Fox talent does walk.

    Trump exposed Megyn as a CNN/MSNBC sympathizer a year ago. She probably thinks she can carry an entire network.

  7. Don’t fucking care. Roger Ailes, Micky Mouse, David Hasselhoff, and the reanimated zombie corpses of the entire munchkin cast of Wizard of Oz could pull a train on Meegan Kelli for 72 hours straight and I still wouldn’t give a fuck about this story.

    Meanwhile, every 45 minutes, someone named Mohamhead is murdering innocent people in the streets. But by all means, lets all pay attention to some talking head attention-whore newsreader.

  8. Ho hum, the only thing I watch anymore is The Five, that Irish PR is hot.
    It’s funny for everybody except those who think it’s “news”.
    I FF anything Juan says, same when O’Baja vents his loose orifice.
    Let them eat cake, errr, walk, damn, just channeled the 1st Wookie.
    Didn’t know they could mind meld.

  9. Turned on the nightly network news yesterday – CBS, NBC, and ABC all broadcasting from the Republican convention – and the lead story on all three was how Melania Trump plagiarized her speech from Michelle Obama.

    Because it was the most important story in the world.

    After a couple of minutes I turned the TV off.

    I’ve been doing that a lot lately.


  10. Megan Kelly is nothing but a damn Muslim pander. She went off my list when she did not support Pamela Geller, “Draw Mohammed.” Megan never gave the whole story why……… I hope she does go….. She probably believes in sharia law , piss on her.

  11. I’d love to see Megyn get her come uppins. I bet Trump is happy to see her faltering – I know I am. Worse thing a professional can do is play the sex discrimination card. It’s going to end badly for her.

  12. You all can rant on about Fox being in the tank for the left and just disguising it or about how most of the talent are lefties as well as being out for themselves but the bottom line is that Ailes has worked to keep Fox a mostly conservative voice, although maybe not as conservative as some of you wanted, with some left commentary. If Ailes goes down there will be no more conservative voice on TV or Cable. You can point to Rush but he’s on the RADIO and is for the most part preaching to the choir. If Murdoch’s son pushes out Ailes the conservative side of Fox will disappear and conservatives will have no TV or Cable voice at a very important time in the history of your country. Rupert Murdoch has always had a nose for money and he saw in building Foxnews a chance to actually make some money in news. His son doesn’t think that way. Maybe the Koch brothers can stop funding PBS science specials and spend some money in the media.

  13. FOX fills a severely needed gap in news broadcasting.
    The rest are all in the tank for socialism, not even bothering to disguise the fact. WTF?
    If conservatives are all the rich, fat cats, why can’t they seem to gather enough investors to launch a conservative network, or even a “balanced” network?
    I’m beginning to suspect that all that “rich white conservative” bullshit is just that: BULLSHIT. All the conservatives I know (not that many) are people of modest means who work for a living, not the scions of the rich and famous.

    izlamo delenda est …

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