Fredo Speaks About Creepy Bro – IOTW Report

Fredo Speaks About Creepy Bro

He claims CNN has been covering the story… EXTENSIVELY!

Really? What are they saying?

15 Comments on Fredo Speaks About Creepy Bro

  1. “What are they saying?”

    They’re saying nothing, it’s embarrassing as it already is. Just glad the A-hole is going to get his come uppins. Sounds like he’s been an A-hole for years and the hammer has finally nailed his butt. He was married to a Kennedy, that money has gone bye-bye. She saw in Cuomo what she saw in her Kennedy male kin – womanizers/cheats/frauds/murderers.

  2. Doesn’t Prince Fredo the First remember his boss and ventriloquist, the always photogenic Jeff Zucker once saying he wanted to go into politics? Can you imagine Don Lemon in charge of the Department of Education?

  3. That was one of the most ridiculous pieces of crap I have heard in a while. He must be kidding if he thinks anyone believes him!! Oh yeah, I forget there are really some “dump” people out there.

    God Bless us all!

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