George Soros Calls Liz Warren the ‘Most Qualified to Be President’ – IOTW Report

George Soros Calls Liz Warren the ‘Most Qualified to Be President’

PJM: Far-left billionaire and political donor George Soros lavished praise on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Friday, calling her the “most qualified to be president.” He also predicted a Warren presidency.

The liberal kingmaker said he was not endorsing any candidate in the 2020 presidential race, so he could support whichever candidate the Democratic Party nominates against President Donald Trump.

In an interview with The New York Times, Soros called Trump “an aberration,” accusing the president of “clearly putting his personal interests ahead of the national interests. I think it will contribute to his demise next year. So I am slightly predicting that things will turn around.”

He predicted that Warren — who has emerged as a co-frontrunner with former Vice President Joe Biden in recent weeks — would become the Democratic nominee.

“She has emerged as the clear-cut person to beat,” Soros told the Times. “I don’t take a public stance, but I do believe that she is the most qualified to be president.” read more

29 Comments on George Soros Calls Liz Warren the ‘Most Qualified to Be President’

  1. Tribe gonna tribe. Ruin, rot, corrode, extract, infiltrate, deceive, destroy.

    Of course he’ll support what will most quickly destroy the world’s leading Christian nation. IT’S WHAT THEY DO.

    That’s what the tribe does.
    Every single time.

  2. I don’t take a public stance. And then he endorses Warren in his next breathe as if anyone cares. No interference – just tampering with voting machines, funding mayhem and bringing down some countries economies to enrich himself.

  3. @Mr. Anth Ropy October 29, 2019 at 11:51 am

    > Just because a mentally ill person figures out how to make several billion dollars, he is now enabled to wreak havoc across America and other Western democracies.

    You do realize that’s the only point of “Western democracies”? Right?

  4. How is it possible for a real person to have emperor palpatine eyebags???

    He must be really very evil indeed.

    (And I knew that Warren was the globalist choice- it’s why the media has been so fawny and gentle with her. Barf.)

  5. The famous Short-Seller wants Pocahontas to take control of the US Economy and he also wants to give Barry (The Constitutional Scholar) a seat at SCOTUS.

    Planned Destruction

  6. I long for a Headline that reads:
    “Soros Family Reunion Ends in Tragedy. Soros Line Comes to an End”

    Followed by:
    “Mystery Disappearance of Soros Family Fortune Deepens”


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