Georgia: Judge [Stacey Abrams’ sister] accused of putting thumb on scales of justice reverses herself – IOTW Report

Georgia: Judge [Stacey Abrams’ sister] accused of putting thumb on scales of justice reverses herself

WND: A federal judge in Georgia who was accused by critics of putting her thumb on the scales of justice by ordering two counties to allow people to vote even after they had moved away from their recorded addresses has reversed herself.

The dispute was aggravated because the judge is Leslie Abrams Gardner, appointed by Barack Obama and the sister of open-election activist Stacey Abrams, who failed in her bid to become the state’s governor.

The judge had ordered two counties to allow more than 4,000 people to vote in the coming Senate runoff races even though they formally notified the Post Office their addresses were changed. read more

25 Comments on Georgia: Judge [Stacey Abrams’ sister] accused of putting thumb on scales of justice reverses herself

  1. These fucking Abrams behemoths treat the state of Georgia like it’s their own personal buffet.

    Here’s a thin mint, you goddam tubs of goo. Stroke the fuck out already. I promise, y’all will get week-long funerals with Clydesdales to pull the wagons..

  2. So the racial quota fat pigs pushed their shit to far. These two are to stupid to tie their own shoes. Well I guess that’s unfair since neither one of these idiots has seen their feet since they were twelve.
    Stacies recent memorable statement. “The only way the Republicans can win is through voter suppression”.
    Interpretation, I’m a fat black pig because I can’t stop eating, so you owe this to me.
    I don’t think so Stacie. Try some push aways. Push away from the table a half hour earlier from your normal foraging session.

  3. No bathroom scale has survived these Two Tons of Fun.

    For their criminality, they need to be behind bars. No, not the get-fat drinking bars, but the steel ones.

    Our country is ungovernable – we’re finally outnumbered by treasonous, sick and corrupt people. We need to start talking about making our own way – and taking with us what is ours.

  4. Leslie Abrams Gardner was thumbing through a car magazine before Christmas and casually remarked to her husband that she “wanted something that could go from 0 – 250 in under 10 seconds”.

    He bought her a bathroom scale.

  5. @Thirdtwin:

    Stroke the fuck out already. I promise, y’all will get week-long funerals with Clydesdales to pull the wagons…

    Are you sure Clydesdales are up to the job? Maybe a pair of Cat 797Fs would be better, especially if there are any hills on the route to the HAZMAT dump. (-:

  6. Horrific Bitch:

    a) got caught

    b) actually makes Stacy look like a supermodel compared to her.

    c) makes me wonder what kind of law schools produce graduates who do not even know how to discretely subvert the law?

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