Germany: veteran Santa Claus fired for opposing child marriage – IOTW Report

Germany: veteran Santa Claus fired for opposing child marriage

Jihad Watch:

The Bavarian town of Mühldorf has fired the man who has dressed up as Father Christmas for over 30 years because of the social media post he shared on his Facebook page. Peter Mück has been a staple of the annual Christkindlmarkt, or Christmas market, in the town for over a generation, handing out sweets to local children, The Telegraph reports.

The Santa Claus who sought to protect the well-being of children got sacked in the name of political correctness and fear, but the Mayor of Mühldorf and Socialist party member, Marianne Zollner, tried to spin it differently — and highly illogically. She said:

“I explained to him that this movement, in my view, does not respect the equality and dignity of all people, or our democratic values, and that this attitude was not compatible with the work of portraying Santa Claus.”

If Zollner respected democratic values, and the equality and dignity of all people, she would not have supported firing Peter Muck, who in fact was standing up for the rights, equality and dignity of young girls who are abused and humiliated under the banner of Islamic culture. Marianne Zollner is fearful of Muslim backlash, period.  read more

8 Comments on Germany: veteran Santa Claus fired for opposing child marriage

  1. “I explained to him that this movement, in my view, does not respect the equality and dignity of all people …”

    The equality and dignity of all people … except you and those who think like you.

    Hypocrisy in its full flower.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Seems fitting since the real St. Nicholas was known as the, ‘protector of children.’

    Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Matthew 5:11

  3. I’ve been hoping that the German people at some point would rise up against the lefties that are ruining their country but it would seem that they have been neutered for good and are just fodder now for the left and what will become a muslim satrap in five or ten years.

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