Gov. Andrew Cuomo Used Fake News Against Jews To Justify Lockdown – IOTW Report

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Used Fake News Against Jews To Justify Lockdown


New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo displayed a 2006 image of Jews congregating to single out the religious community when warning that enhanced lockdown measures are likely to come if the gatherings persist.

“We know religious institutions have been a problem,” Cuomo said during a Monday press conference. “These are pictures from the past couple of weeks. And these are just emblematic. … What did you think was going to happen?”

The images Cuomo displayed, however, are more than a decade old, from the funeral of Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, who died in 2006. more

12 Comments on Gov. Andrew Cuomo Used Fake News Against Jews To Justify Lockdown

  1. what an absolute asshole this guy is … first he deliberately kills off old people in nursing homes (particularly the one’s that the state is responsible for … alleviating the state’s burden)

    then he goes full Nazi by further cracking down on businesses that his Commissarness deems unworthy … now he starts to go after the Jews … & for a daily-double he threatens Churches

    Seig Heil mien Cumhole!

  2. Cuomo is a fascist, devoid of any real humanity.

    Still, he could not be governor of NY unless he had the Jewish vote.

    NY Jews deserve him, and they deserve that pscyho di blasio.

  3. …all the devil can ever do is repeat, and “the Jooos” are one of his favorite targets, so it’s not surprising that one of his current mouthpieces stirs up anti-Semitism yet again in the service of stopping the worship of God by force…

  4. I’m Lucky my wife is Jewish and a conservative.

    About 20% of her family is conservative, 20% disinterested & non political, & 60% stupid.
    I continually try to remind them that Jews are the most Hated & Blamed people and Christians (like me) are the most persecuted and murdered.

    The Jews get blamed for everything and the Christians are accused of being the racists.

    I hope that New York Jews & Italians start to figure this shit out soon.

  5. it’s ny city what do you expect.

    they smell their own farts for pete’s sake while braying how the “country folks” are inbred.

    i hope they enjoy the consequences of their votes.

  6. 1. Pass restrictive gun laws to prepare for confiscation.
    2. Set up an intense daily propaganda operation.
    3. Declare state of emergency to restrict commerce and travel.
    4. Ration access to medical care.
    5. Close places of worship.
    6. Blame the Jews and restrict them to ghettos.
    7. Allow anarchist black shirts to control the streets
    8. Declare yourself a hero.
    9. Declare personal liberties as options, controlled by government.


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