Gov. Christie likely to pardon legal gun owners arrested in New Jersey – IOTW Report

Gov. Christie likely to pardon legal gun owners arrested in New Jersey

chris christie


Perhaps looking to make news that could help him make the cut on to the main stage at Thursday night’s Republican primary debate, Governor Chris Christie announced that he’ll likely pardon out-of-staters who were arrested for having a firearm while travelling through or visiting New Jersey.

One of the victims Christie referred to is Brian Fletcher, a North Carolinian that was working to restore cell service to New Jersey residents after a storm.  more

16 Comments on Gov. Christie likely to pardon legal gun owners arrested in New Jersey

  1. so following one little aspect of the constitution will make your presidential candidacy legitimate?

    who knew usa voters were so easily deceived by msm propaganda?

  2. So, fathead isn’t doing anything to get rid of unconstitutional state laws that violate his NJ people’s rights, but he is doing something (very little) to UN-do what should NOT have been done to non-New-Jersyites in the first place. Not only is he trying to get points by means of trivial cosmetics, he isn’t even competent at the cosmetics.

    (I realize that for the people he might pardon this is a big deal, and I’m glad for them.)

  3. …but he is doing something (very little) to UN-do what should NOT have been done to non-New-Jersyites in the first place.

    Uh, “Firearm Owner’s Protection Act of 1986” anyone?? You know, the one that was written specifically because of New York, Massachusetts and New Jersey, but all three states continue to ignore today?

    But, yeah; “too little, too late, fatboy.”

  4. LIKELY to pardon legal gun owners??? Ain’t that fukcing swell of him
    How bout all you democrunts get back to the laws we had one hundred years ago and stop screwing us from now on???

  5. Holy Doughnuts Fatman! I went to school with Brian Fletcher. We grew up a couple miles apart. I’ve known Fletch and his older brother John my whole life. He genuinely is a damn good guy. One of those “Least likely to ever be arrested” kinda guys. I had no idea this had happened to him. (Of course, that’s why I moved to the other side of nowhere when I got married… to distance myself from the drama of Durham… Which, I suspect, is why Brian moved to Butner like so many of my old schoolmates. It certainly wasn’t for those “winning” Granville Co Schools! But that’s neither here nor there.
    N.J. obviously makes Durham look like a bastion of Liberty and even common sense! This is a link to a “support page” with a petition for folks to sign requesting/demanding that charges be dropped!
    Good luck Little Fletch!

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