Governor Hochul Directed to Leave Funeral for Officer Diller – IOTW Report

Governor Hochul Directed to Leave Funeral for Officer Diller

Hot Air

This senseless loss of life at the hands of a career criminal once again focused people’s attention on the revolving door of “justice” created by Democratic policies in large blue cities. That anger was on display when one of Gotham’s largest police unions issued a stern warning to New York politicians who have supported soft-on-crime laws, particularly the New York City Council, to stay away from the memorial services planned in Officer Diller’s honor. One politician apparently didn’t receive the memo, however. That would be New York Governor Kathy Hochul. She showed up at the wake for Jonathan Diller yesterday, apparently prepared to deliver some remarks. More

24 Comments on Governor Hochul Directed to Leave Funeral for Officer Diller

  1. She’s a vindictive and spiteful woman, very much in the mold of Hillary Clinton. She WILL find a way to get more cops killed just to avenge her well-deserved embarrassment.

  2. Just the fact that she had the temerity to show up and pander tells you everything anyone needs to assess her character. Not that that wasn’t settled science in the long past, but it takes nerve for moat politicians to pull this shit. Anyone who would defend this kind of shit is more than complicit, they are also looking to exploit the officer’s teach to advance their own agenda. Fucking despicable, the entire lot of them.

  3. Please use the Key bridge on the longer route you crawled out from.
    It’s hard to believe there would be that many stupid people that would vote for her, I can only think there is fraud involved as usual.

  4. Funny, but when the mainstream media reported the story, they said according to (un-named) “sources”, that she did enter the venue, and was “never asked to leave”. So should we believe the video and eyewitness, or the fake news?

  5. These Assholes Hokul, Bragg and Adams just wanted to show up and stand on the casket to pontificate about how much they “care” and how much “good”they’ve done!
    Fuck ’em! It’s bad enought they’re in the state let alone showing up at the funeral! Hokul is a poisonous, virtue signaling snake just as filthy and corrupt as Hillary!


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