‘Green’ California Is More Reliant On Foreign Oil Than Ever Before – IOTW Report

‘Green’ California Is More Reliant On Foreign Oil Than Ever Before

DC: There’s a growing call for California Gov. Jerry Brown to stop issuing oil and natural gas leases in the state, with some even arguing that all state fossil fuel production should be shuttered.

Yet continuing the current trend of dwindling in-state crude production wouldn’t mean California stops using oil. The state, ranked as one of the “greenest” in the country, would still use lots of oil, it would just come from other countries.

In fact, more than 56 percent of the crude oil received by California refineries were extracted in foreign countries, according to California Energy Commission data. California, once the third-largest oil state, is now more reliant than ever on foreign oil. read more

3 Comments on ‘Green’ California Is More Reliant On Foreign Oil Than Ever Before

  1. Deep Breath. Jerry Brown might well be the Anti Christ. He’s doing his level best to hijack California water and mean while kill one of the best fisheries in the nation. His administration wouldn’t distribute water to farmers in the central valley to save a 3 inch fish but it’s totally bitchen to fill the Delta full of salt water. The San Jose Mercury News is a leftist rag. Read what they have to say. The fuckers stealing it.



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