Guitarist Plays Impromptu Star Spangled Banner on Independence Day and Gets Arrested For “Inciting a Riot” – IOTW Report

Guitarist Plays Impromptu Star Spangled Banner on Independence Day and Gets Arrested For “Inciting a Riot”

HT/ Bayouwulf

This was a poor decision on the police’s part.

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14 Comments on Guitarist Plays Impromptu Star Spangled Banner on Independence Day and Gets Arrested For “Inciting a Riot”

  1. Well, okay. I can’t see any reason for the guy to even be given a citation, even if you don’t like the way he plays or what he was playing. What am I missing?

  2. Residential neighborhood.
    Wonder how the surrounding homeowners felt about the “peaceably” assembled crowd of noisy drunks egged on by some hippie thinks he’s Jimi Hendrix.

  3. In the comments section of the Youtube, the guitar player is asked whether he was arrested, and what for. He responded that he “got an NTA, which is a written arrest,” because he was “Breaching the Peace.”

    Breach of peace is broadly defined as “acts or conduct that seriously endanger or disturb public peace and order.” Pretty damned sad, when police consider respectfully playing our national anthem in public (on Independence Day, no less), with a crowd of appreciative, peaceful onlookers, as breach of peace.

  4. Fox News interviewed this kid this morning. He was sober (can’t speak for the rest of the crowd), plays in a church band, and coaches lacrosse. Not quite a hippie.

  5. Damn fine playing, my friend! You are within your rights to perform our national anthem on July 4th. Don’t these cops have anything better to do? And I’m usually pro-cop, just not pro-dickhead. Hope your guitar and amp made it home without a scratch, so you can play it again next year. LOUDER!

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