Gun saves woman and 3 children from home invader – IOTW Report

Gun saves woman and 3 children from home invader

She said when she bought her gun she never imagined ever having to use it.

The guy kicked in her door and she said her “heart slowed down and she focused.”

She has three kids and that guy was not getting through her door.

Now she just has to go to the range and get her center mass skills perfected. He lived.

10 Comments on Gun saves woman and 3 children from home invader

  1. Vietvet – yeah. We didn’t get to see him “kick in the door” and that was intentionally clipped out. If the link above is correct then I’m sure he was up to no good but it almost appears like she may have opened the door. I think this story line is BS.

  2. She did a wonderful thing. Exactly what our Founding Fathers intended. It’s way past the time for black Americans to break free of leftist strongholds and live as liberated free Americans.

  3. @Alan: Your video has the same surveillance tape as LiveLeak, above, but it has more information. The guy was there with a woman accomplice, who was the other person seen in the video, and he tried to get in both the front and back doors of the residence before kicking in the front door.


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