Guy Starts Crowdfunding To Bail Out Greece – IOTW Report

Guy Starts Crowdfunding To Bail Out Greece

Leftists are not good at math. What they’re good at is seizing upon a “thing,” like crowdfunding, and believing with all their heart that it’s an elixir because it’s largely a hipster doofus thing, and hipster doofi are saving the world, dontcha know?


Moron starts crowdfunding to bail-out Greece.

18 Comments on Guy Starts Crowdfunding To Bail Out Greece

  1. Hey, I can help out with that! I’ve got
    a whole jar of bacon drippings in my refrigerator that I can donate.
    Oh, wait – you said “Greece”…?

    Never mind.


  2. If you apply basic math here in the USA, assuming a population of 330m with 18T debt, that’s $54.5k per every person, or $218k per family of 4. So… where are we with that?

  3. Sorry, but I am finding it perversely pleasurable to watch the downfall of Greece. When do they stop electing a socialist / atheist government?

    This has been a great example of the failed, corrupt policies of liberalism.


  4. Eh. Trust me. Greece has been communist for a looooong time.
    They just never put the hammer and sickle on the letterheads.
    When I was there, it was the KKE fighting with whatever democracy Greece thought they were. The commies won.

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