He Sounds Drunk, Too – IOTW Report

He Sounds Drunk, Too


27 Comments on He Sounds Drunk, Too

  1. There’s a theory floating around that this is just an act he’s putting on to keep some of the pressure off of him. It’s not cool to pick on a retard even if they are destroying your country. They caught him on a hot mic a couple days ago telling someone they couldn’t allow Texas to stop the flow of “Young Men”. Presumably his imported army for the upcoming civil war. But on that recording he sounded pretty clear and straight to the point. SO who knows. Buy more ammo.

  2. ^^^^

    Back in the Obama times I watched that asshole give a televised speech to the Teamsters praising China’s economy and explaining how as a country we would be relying more and more on China to do all of our manufacturing. And the crowd went wild, Yeaaaaa. Stupid fucks. Nothing like cutting your own throats.

  3. I think they’ve got canned laughter, plants in the audience to laugh like fools when they’re cued by the canned stuff, and a sitcom pro who sets it all off when Jodolf gets lost. Because there is nothing remotely funny or witty coming out of his mouth which would warrant such a spontaneous outburst of guffaws.

  4. I too was appalled when the seditious gay Kenyan commie gave a speech in front of UAW workers, telling them of the greatness of AMERICA paying to build a GM plant in CHINA! The UAW drones cheered.

  5. Presidunce Peckerhead is so vain he probably watches himself on all these videos not understanding what everyone is squalking about. He sees a perfect statesman.

    Someone needs to show him where the volume control is!

  6. For folks who have led somewhat varied lives, the effect of alcohol mixed with the quantity of amphetamine they have to administer to the ‘presidential corpse in chief’ to keep it animated is somewhat knowable. We won’t discuss the particulars, but it is very unlikely the drug regimen this poor individual is under includes any self medication.

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