Hollywood Actor Ed Norton Raises Well Over a Quarter Million Dollars For Troy, Michigan-Bound Syrian Refugee – IOTW Report

Hollywood Actor Ed Norton Raises Well Over a Quarter Million Dollars For Troy, Michigan-Bound Syrian Refugee



Ed Norton read a story that Obama was pushing on Facebook and it “moved him to tears.” It was about a Syrian scientist who had a family compound destroyed in a missile attack. He lost his wife and several members of his family. (The attack was a number of years ago.)

The scientist has been diagnosed with stomach cancer but can’t receive treatment. (Who diagnosed it but is unable to treat it?)

So Norton decided, out of all the people in the world, to choose this particular guy and raise cash for him as a “refugee welcome wagon” present. He raised $390,000 of other people’s money and now he cups and sniffs his own farts with particular self-satisfaction.

Norton says:

‘This man has suffered profound loss that would crush the spirit of many people and yet he still passionately wants a chance to contribute positively to the world. If we don’t welcome people like this into our communities and empower his dream of making an impact with his life, then we’re not the country we tell ourselves we are.

Let’s reject the “anti-human” voices that tell us to fear refugees and show this man and his family what Americans are really made of.

Let’s show that a country built by the energy and dreams of immigrants still believes in brave people who come here with hope for better life.”

The inventor says he has a plane that can fly without power (I do believe they call them “magic carpets”) and a machine that can predict earthquakes weeks in advance. (That’s called a “cat.”)

Norton, 46, wrote that he was moved to tears after reading about the plight of an unnamed Syrian inventor, pictured here with his son and daughter in Turkey

He’s also invented a suit that looks like it’s underwater when it’s not. Hopefully, with all the dough Norton has gotten him he can give Phil Donahue his hair back.

This scientist was most likely carefully chosen by Obama for this PR campaign because he’s quirky and his daughter isn’t in a hefty bag.


18 Comments on Hollywood Actor Ed Norton Raises Well Over a Quarter Million Dollars For Troy, Michigan-Bound Syrian Refugee

  1. He raised $390,000 of other people’s money and now he cups and sniffs his own farts with particular self-satisfaction.

    Could not of said it better. That is exactly how I feel when I see celebrities asking for other people money.

  2. Who? Had to look him up. Why didn’t he use his own largess or his wealthy family’s largess to finance this? He has to nickel and dime a bunch of little suckers he wouldn’t give the time to on the street? Why isn’t he helping settle this guy close to his own home?

    From the article:
    the man concluded in the final post that he is still determined to ‘make a difference in the world’ once he arrives in Troy, Michigan, where he and his son were being settled.

    Yeah I bet he makes a big booming difference. Allahu Fubar and away we go.

  3. i dunno, but in another movie, he played “a typical white person” and curb-stomped the jaw of “a typical inner city yute, without access to nitetime basketball” while (i think) his little brother held the gun on them

  4. I wonder how many patents the Obama Administration is going to grant this kook?

    His underwear shiny suit reminds me of “The Man In the White Suit.”

    Ah, where would the world be without Muslim contribution to science?

  5. Last night one of our local TV news stations had a story about Syrian refugees and their first Christmas here in Seattle. People gave the kids Xmas presents and introduced them to Santa Claus. I wanted to smack the newscaster-the whole “news” story was used to champion Obama’s “widows and orphans” meme. Language or religious barrier- the whole thing felt off and awkward.

    I can’t find the story on their website…wonder why.

  6. From personal experience, I can unequivocally state that the Stupid is preternaturally strong in Seattle. Seattle is making San Francisco look like Mayberry. Portland, OR is so weird even String Theory doesn’t cover it.

    But, for some inexplicable reason, I love Vancouver, BC. (“Babylon North,” “Van Kong”) True, the cheapest, best sushi on the planet and more pretty girls per square inch that anywhere I’ve ever been and because – British Columbia.

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