Hospital Finds Nothing but Air Where Part of Patient’s Brain Should Be – IOTW Report

Hospital Finds Nothing but Air Where Part of Patient’s Brain Should Be

Breitbart: The remarkable cause of an 84-year-old man’s numerous minor symptoms when he came to the emergency room shocked his doctors.

It is not unusual for a man of such advanced years to experience muscle weakness or loss of balance, nor is it especially notable for them to suffer falls. But when the frequency of all three became concerning, the unnamed Irishman came to Causeway Hospital in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, for answers.

Dr. Finlay Brown recalls the unique experience: “He was otherwise fit and well, independent with physical activities of daily living … and lived at home with his wife and two sons.” But after a CAT scan and MRI, it became immediately apparent that the man’s case was almost unprecedented; there was nothing but empty space where a large part of his brain should have been.

Most of the patient’s right frontal lobe was instead an empty pocket of air. Brown told the Washington Post that he and his colleagues were “very perplexed” by the images. In fact, the results were so extreme that the physicians involved at first thought that he had forgotten to disclose a past brain surgery or birth defect.

Pneumocephalus is a pressurized packet of air in the brain that almost always occurs after brain surgery, or in a much smaller sense from a serious sinus infection or head injury. Instead, the patient in question had developed a benign bone tumor, otherwise known as an osteoma, in his sinuses. It had been slowly eating through the base of his skull. more here

24 Comments on Hospital Finds Nothing but Air Where Part of Patient’s Brain Should Be

  1. It just goes to show that the Irish could have taken over the world with only half a brain…..and then the Dear Lord invented whiskey which stopped the impending invasions….

  2. While this is a remarkable story I remember one a decade or more ago about a child born with a cyst in his brain that took up most of it, leaving only a layer around the outside. Doctors were certain he would never walk, talk or be aware of his surroundings. He’s normal in every way.

    Then there was the story of the child who had to have her brain hemispheres disconnected in a last ditch effort to – I think – control epileptic seizures. Doctors expected her to, at the very least, be paralyzed on one side and probably without speech. She’s confounded them all, doing all the things a normal little girl can do.

    It seems that the brain can overcome a lot of injury when people are very young training areas to perform tasks they normally don’t.

    Of course, this doesn’t apply to those born liberal.

  3. My 65 year old older brother was just diagnosed with severe shrinkage of the frontal lobe, which the doctors say is Alzheimer, and there is nothing that can be done to stop his decline. It is sad to see my once brilliant, active, hilarious brother become like a child. At least he is sweet and still knows and loves his family. The brain is a curious thing, and the medical professionals don’t know that much about it, really.

  4. Back in the day Dizzy Dean got knocked out by a hard thrown ball as he was stealing 2nd base.
    They took him to the hospital to be checked out.
    He was okay.
    Next day’s headline: “X-ray of Dean’s Head Shows Nothing.”

  5. The human brain is an amazing thing. And I wouldn’t describe 84 as “such advanced years.” It’s a few good innings, but there are a lot more left!

    “very perplexed” — I can just hear an Irish doctor making that statement. That’s hilarious.

  6. 15 years ago, my husband was having symptoms of a stroke. At the hospital, the diagnosis went from stroke to a large malignant tumor in the right hemisphere and his left side was useless including not being able to see. During surgery, the surgeon called me in the waiting room to say it was an abscess (from an abscessed tooth that had been treated 7 months before). After 5 weeks of intensive inpatient rehab he was able to go back to work. There was a slight change in his personality but he is still here and I am thankful. The human body is amazing.
    I am really sorry about your news, The-Mamomma.

  7. Wow. This gives new meaning to the term, “airhead.” Several women: Warren, Pelosi, Boxer, Clinton, etc. should be scanned, I think. Their heads seem to be giant gasbags.

  8. I’m confused. I clicked on this story expecting it to be about Maxine Waters or a few other likely candidates from the same tribe of fellow travelers, ah, hustlers.


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