House GOP Now Eyeing Repeal of Gun Ban for Military Vets – IOTW Report

House GOP Now Eyeing Repeal of Gun Ban for Military Vets


With the Social Security gun ban repealed and the lead ammunition ban revoked, the GOP-led House is now eyeing a repeal of the gun ban for U.S. military veterans.

The gun ban for military veterans works in the same way the Social Security gun ban was designed to work, and was actually a precursor to the Social Security ban.

In the Social Security ban, the Social Security Administration (SSA) could investigate beneficiaries who were under mental duress and needed help managing their finances. Following the investigation, the beneficiaries could be turned over to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and prohibited from making firearm purchases. In the gun ban for military veterans, the Veterans Administration does the investigation of military personnel receiving disability benefits. If the VA declares said recipients “incompetent,” those recipients are turned over NICS and barred from buying firearms.

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6 Comments on House GOP Now Eyeing Repeal of Gun Ban for Military Vets

  1. Being that I am a disabled veteran, I piled all my guns up at my door and have been waiting for the VA to deem me mentally unstable and to send someone to collect them.

  2. When I go to the VA hospital, I’m greeted with a hostile sign that reads “NO FIREARMS.” Great. So I can defend the country with arms but not myself? Terrorists who may have issues with veterans for fighting hard against them, would have soft targets at the VA. Congress needs to fix this.

  3. @cfm990 March 14, 2017 at 8:01 am

    > Liberal bastards, led by Obama, were afraid of those who swore to defend the constitution, being armed. A wee bit tyrannical, don’t ya think?

    “Liberal bastards, led by Obama, who swore to defend the constitution, being armed. A wee bit tyrannical, don’t ya think?”


  4. A public service announcement for disable vets. Disable Vet is a golden ticket for the DLA to broker parts to the federal gov. Disabled Vet set asides are BIG biz. Just sayen something to check out.

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