House Republicans promise Clinton email probe is not over – IOTW Report

House Republicans promise Clinton email probe is not over

Republican leaders say that FBI Director James Comey will be asked to testify about emailgate tomorrow.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch will be asked about her “chance meeting” with Bill Clinton.

Let’s see how important the precious down ballot vote is. We’re going to see the house GOP, ostensibly filled with our heroes, question James Comey about how he could stand at a podium and detail all the “egregious carelessness” committed by Hillary Clinton, actions that have landed others in jail, and conclude that there isn’t a right-minded prosecutor out there that would be willing to bring charges.

We’re going to see our principled stalwarts pepper the attorney general about the ridiculousness of a claim that a private meeting with Bill Clinton on a tarmac was simply small talk about golf and grandkids.

Why am I not excited?

Because I’m sick of kabuki theater. The right will put on their show, their stern faces, their tough talk rebuke, and nothing at all will come of it.


21 Comments on House Republicans promise Clinton email probe is not over

  1. Ahhh, the soap box of indignation. Stand in line in front of the cameras.
    Yeah, that worked with hillary, the murdering Bitch of Benghazi and trading high level terrorists at gitmo for a traitor who got promotions and back pay after those who looked for him were Killed. Or how about the Nuclear scam with IRAN? Obamacare? Military cuts? Supporting, arming and Funding islamic terrorism?
    Nothing came from any of it.

  2. “House Republicans promise Clinton email probe is not over”

    I don’t believe them, not when they’ve let Obama get away with treason, and overstepping his authority as President. They are a do nothing bunch of sad people living off us taxpayers.

  3. ryan is irrelevant

    the below is not, emphasis on “through gross negligence”

    “Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.”

  4. It has turned into a Prime Minister’s Questions / House of Commons play. “Would my right honorable friend agree with me?” No! Shame, shame. Yes, I do watch PMQ.

  5. Another hollow fundraising opportunity.

    Said in my best Jimminy Cricket voice:

    “This time we’re really gonna get ’em!… Not like the last dozen times. This time we really really really really mean it!!!…”

  6. “She’s Always A Clinton”
    She will kill for a buck
    Smile at your demise
    Her moral sense shrunk so it’s only pint-size
    And she only reveals what a grand jury won’t see
    She lies like a rug
    Cause she’s always a Clinton you see

    She never learned how to love
    Something she never knew
    If you ask for the truth
    She will only deceive you
    She’ll grab what she wants and tell you to get screwed
    Yeah, she’s got the look of a thief
    Cause she’s always a Clinton you see

    Oh, she runs her email herself
    She gets hacked if she wants
    She’ll never do time
    Oh, and she never gives out
    Hasn’t done so in years
    Cept when Huma’s around

    She is just like the snake
    In the Garden of Eden
    She’ll off an Ambassador
    And laugh while he’s bleedin’
    She’ll sell out the best
    And the SEALS will agree
    She’s like a medieval curse
    Cause she’s always a Clinton you see

    Oh, she runs her email herself
    She gets hacked if she wants
    She’ll never do time
    Oh, and she never gives out
    Hasn’t done so in years
    Cept when Huma’s around

    She never is kind
    To the staff she is cruel
    She does as she pleases
    She’s thinks everyone’s fooled
    But she can’t be convicted
    She’s above you and me
    And the most we can do
    Is bring Trump to the queue
    Cause she’s always a Clinton you see

  7. Her emails were a buffet open to any and all bidders. Or chose from a menu? I wouldnt doubt that the highest bidder or any number of bidders, were awarded access to her private server.

    Of course with that server, any other government employing any number of nerds worth their salt were able to hack it.

  8. What the hell, the jigs up, Ryan. We all know what a gutless, colluding whimp you are. Two faced, money sucking snake in the grass!

  9. Two possibilities, and I believe Congress will pursue neither of them. First, charging Hillary with perjury and contempt of Congress for lying in her Benghazi testimony. Second, bringing a federal lawsuit that the FBI’s interpretation of the relevant statutes is a bastardization of the law dutifully passed by Congress.

    Nothing is going to happen.

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