How Does Eric Trump Not Reach Over the Desk And Strangle George Streptococcus? – IOTW Report

How Does Eric Trump Not Reach Over the Desk And Strangle George Streptococcus?

It takes a lot of restraint to have a discussion with a longtime Clinton operative, that has a forum on Network television, smugly implying that you’re delusional because you think there is unfair bias in the media against the candidate running against the Clintons.

This homunculus, with a straight face, condemns a son for having a father accused of sexual assault -because “all these women can’t be lying”- before he heads over to the Bill Clinton house for dinner. He should be curbed.

Eric Trump does a spectacular job here.

22 Comments on How Does Eric Trump Not Reach Over the Desk And Strangle George Streptococcus?

  1. Allegations against Trump get all the msm air time.
    FACTS reported by Wikileaks and O’keefe are ignored.
    Nah, there’s no media bias. I’ve never seen anything like this.

  2. Yes, Eric did a yeoman’s job handling that POS Clinton asskisser. And yes, he showed great restraint by not grabbing the prick by the tie and hauling his skinny ass across the desk.
    I’m proud of you Eric.

  3. Talk about gaslighting, Stephenopolois could not help but keep going back to the latest ABC poll showing Trump down 12. Give Me A Fucking Break

    Who in their right mind believes this shit?

  4. George Stepppponopoloussss, self hating homosexual who refuses to come out because of the “underge boy” factor donates a lot of money to the Clinton Crime Family foundation which gives him something in common with Hitlerys middle east foreign donors.

    Hitlerys mid east donors have killed more homosexuals than AIDS & HIV have combined in history. All the while Hitlery & Bill and Skellshee are out shaking down more.

    Hillary legitimizes the slaughter of homosexuals. So does Stepppponopppolussss.

  5. Always has been the media buttboy for the Clinton Cartel. Nothing new there. All the words out of his pseudo-sincere mouth are just words aimed at pleasing his masters, Fred and Ethel Clinton (Hills & Bill). When he wasn’t knob polishing Bill, he was in hot pursuit of JFK Jr.

  6. Look closely at Stephy’s hair. Notice the different colors? His toupe doesn’t match his drapes, and i’m not even curious if either matches his carpet. We need Obongo to weigh in on that. You can see where the darker toupe ends and the side hair of his head meets it. It’s so funny when the snobby elite think they can skip steps, jive us all, and pick our pockets while thinking how dim we all are. Just like Cackling Hills, her front teeth are recent recaps, and under strong lights of TV Cams do not match the rest. HAHAHA! that plus they stick out farther and get smeared with her whore red lipstick. Must be part of the multimillion $$$ buckup she had done after Bill told her she looked like an old hag..right before a heavy booze glass went sailing his way.

  7. Stepanddropolus will get this his reward after President Trump is sworn in. The ratings on his “newscast” will tumble into the abyss followed by his self destruct sequence. Buh bye Georgi-boy!

  8. Anony.You are right. No eye contact. it would be hilarious if Eric said “Hey Georgie Boy, my eyes
    are up here, stop staring at my tits.”
    Typng here r rr eally sucks. s itt jt just me?

  9. Eric Trump-a young man of integrity and trustworthy presence vs. George Stephanopoulos-a punny, impish, Clinton nave. No contest.
    Eric did an excellent job turning the tables on Georgie Stephanie.

  10. There is a life eternal waiting to reward Stephanopoulos for his life’s work and he KNOWS it.
    His father is an Orthodox priest so this little homunculus can’t even utilize the traditional Clinton excuse of ignorance of what is right when they lie, steal and murder.

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