Hoyer says ‘sure’ when asked if Trump can deliver SOTU, despite Pelosi’s objections – IOTW Report

Hoyer says ‘sure’ when asked if Trump can deliver SOTU, despite Pelosi’s objections


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told Fox News’ “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on Tuesday that he would have no objections to President Trump delivering a State of the Union address in the House of Representatives on Jan. 29, despite House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s repeated threats that the traditional speech be delayed.

Hoyer, D-Md., also noted that the Senate plans to vote Thursday afternoon on both Republican and Democratic proposals to end the ongoing partial federal government shutdown, now in its 32nd day. Both are cloture votes, meaning they both need 60 yeas to pass.

“It’s certainly a step forward to have votes, and it’s my understanding … that one of the bills that we sent over, which reopens the government until Feb. 8, will be put on the floor,” Hoyer said, referring to the Democrats’ proposed bill, which does not include any funding for Trump’s proposed border wall. “I’m sure every Democrat will vote for that bill.”  more

20 Comments on Hoyer says ‘sure’ when asked if Trump can deliver SOTU, despite Pelosi’s objections

  1. Actually, I’m going to start a website inspired by a leftist twat.
    It’s called GoBlowMe.com
    Similar to GoFundMe, it will allow crowd-sourcing to target leftist assholes to be punched in the face for commensurate sexual compensation.

    Wile-E-Loco…Genius 🙂

  2. liberals want Americans to see democrat politicians sitting on their hands. All up front and personal, not us just assuming politicians sit on their hands all day.

  3. joe6pak

    A little longer. Pelosi just might stroke out. Our swallow her dentures. either way. My opinion, Trumps playing these asshole like a surgeon. Also my opinion, his goal here is to split the Demtards. I think he’s close.

  4. You guys are both wrong.
    The SOTU should take place in the Russian hotel where the fake dossier originated.
    Have actual Russian prostitutes piss like a drunken sailor on the Obama bed and shove this shit up the MSM cocksucker’s perforated asses for the last time.
    TRUMP 2020!

    I can make the final block
    I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle
    I can make all the stadiums rock
    I can make tonight forever
    Or I can make it disappear by the dawn
    I can make you every promise that has ever been made
    And I can make all your demons be gone


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