HS announces fake student deaths as lesson on dangers of texting, driving – IOTW Report

HS announces fake student deaths as lesson on dangers of texting, driving

EAG: BRODHEAD, Wis. – When officials at Wisconsin’s Brodhead High School announced Monday morning that four students were killed in a crash involving texting and driving, the reaction was what one would expect.

“A lot of our friends and fellow students actually started crying because they actually thought these people were dead, and so I think a lot of them actually called their parents in school too,” student Madison Trombley told CBS Minnesota.

Ten minutes after the October 26 announcement, students learned their classmates were actually alive and well, and the whole thing was a stunt designed to teach them a lesson about the dangers of texting and driving.

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12 Comments on HS announces fake student deaths as lesson on dangers of texting, driving

  1. “teach them a lesson about the dangers of texting and driving”

    How about you teach yourselves a lesson on the dangers of lying and scaring people to make them behave the way you want them to…as in “I’m right and you’re wrong” lefty thinking.


  2. We are the System.
    We are The State.
    We feel we have the right to mind-fuck you in order to teach you a lesson We think you should learn.
    We decided it’s for your own good.
    Things that We decide are for your own good are to be endured for the good of The State.

  3. I can plainly see that I will be the only voice here to say I think it was a good tactic.
    While it may be all that everyone has stated above, it caused the “surviving” students to experience for a horrible moment the viseral, confusing, unbelievable pain that can be caused by such carelessness. Young people can be too flippant about things today, including the danger of texting and driving. Too, it may help them understand that they are not invincible. They’ve been protected too long. Time to grow up and start thinking.

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