Hunter Preps His Above-the-Law Defense – IOTW Report

Hunter Preps His Above-the-Law Defense


Hunter Biden asked a judge on Wednesday to approve subpoenas for documents from Donald Trump and former Justice Department officials related to whether political pressure wrongly influenced the criminal case against him.

Biden’s attorneys allege there were “certain instances that appear to suggest incessant, improper, and partisan pressure applied” by Trump to his then-Attorney General William Barr and two top deputies, Jeffrey Rosen and Richard Donoghue. More

9 Comments on Hunter Preps His Above-the-Law Defense

  1. So Don telling Bill Barr to get off his big fat ass and do his f**king job is “partisan pressure”? So what is it called when Biden tells Garland to persecute Trump? Another classic case of democrats accusing the right of everything they are doing.

  2. Politics and ‘lawyers’ either create or perpetuate the mobius strip that endlessly stirs the imagination/litigation or perpetuation of the ‘legal system’ that keeps the money flowing from the innocent to the ‘protector’.


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