I think this’ll be in the opposition research at election time – IOTW Report

I think this’ll be in the opposition research at election time

I couldn’t find this guy’s party affiliation in any of the stories covering this. So, I knew that meant he was a democrat.

On page 1,078 I found this–

Brant Walker in Alton, … about Brant include: political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; …

h/t but I was standing 6 feet from the bar, officer…. 

19 Comments on I think this’ll be in the opposition research at election time

  1. I can’t remember the last time I was standing at any bar at 1am (in the morning). Lying under it maybe. /kidding.

    I’m a 10pm’er. Maybe 11.

    But, this shut down bullshit is a trial run for leftist commie totalitarians. I’ve had it. Screw you assholes.

    I will go where I want and do what I please anywhere and anytime i choose.

    Virginia’s Governor is about to get a
    rude awakening, thinking he’ll dictate that Virginians are going shut the Commonwealth down until June.

    There is no fucking way.

  2. I can pretty much say that I haven’t been to Illinois since 1987. So, yeah, I probably knew her….but more then likely knew her mother…hell, let’s not rule out her grandmother………maybe BOTH grandmothers…..It was a long weekend and the Cubs lost. THAT right there is a win….

  3. did you ever think the curfew was just for her so he could keep her in at night?

    was she with her boyfriend again when found?

    if he can’t rule his marriage how can he rule the city?

  4. If I remember correctly this guy was elected because he was outside the local swamp power structure. He has had to make sure his t’s were crossed and his i’s were dotted. Alton has a very unique “energy”, maybe because it’s so haunted? Who knows? Elijah Parrish Lovejoy ended up here for Freedom of the Press and was murdered for his efforts. Imagine an angry mob that is afraid of the words that you speak? There’s nothing new under the sun!


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