‘Ice Cube’ Says Hollywood Owes Black People Reparations – IOTW Report

‘Ice Cube’ Says Hollywood Owes Black People Reparations

NOW it’s getting interesting! LOL!

Daily Wire: Rapper-turned-actor-turned-producer Ice Cube, real name O’Shea Jackson, has called upon Hollywood to pay out reparations to black people for its alleged legacy of racism.

Speaking on “The Breakfast Club” radio show with Charlamagne tha God, Ice Cube said “all the studios” that contributed to black pain need to pay for what they have allegedly done.

“Virtually all the studios who contributed in our narrative, in our pain, in our misrepresentation, in stealing our history and giving it to white people for over a 100 years, so I think these studios that we know and love should kick in to a studio that’s ran by black people with no outside influences, and whose movies and projects are owned by those black people,” he said on the show.

Ice Cube said that Hollywood should give more ownership to black directors and writers who put their own projects together. more here

42 Comments on ‘Ice Cube’ Says Hollywood Owes Black People Reparations

  1. Give? You’re taking the position you need to be given to to have your ideal life? Isn’t that establishing a place of inferiority?

    Just do it. Be free. Don’t rely on whitey for anything.

    Otherwise, being tied to them forever will taint any freedom you say you have.

  2. Blah Blah, whah whah whah….although I can get behind Hollywood being sued for the destruction of the black community.(although it is really liberal politicians). But like pharma companies that have been poisoning poor rural communities, Hollywood has been poisoning inner cities, by glorifying crime, and indiscriminate sex.
    Seriously inanimate objects like guns do NOT cause crime.However, ideas and actions contribute to crime.And the ideas shown on screen have been decaying society for generations, effecting all races.

  3. Lincoln had a plan to return former slaves BACK to Africa after the Civil War. Didn’t work out well for HIM…… and really did not work out well for everyone else. I think $10,000, 40 acres, and a mule in Kenya etc would be fine. A family of four would be rich in Africa with that setup……

  4. And he owes me for every time I am driving and some cocksucker is blasting his shit so loud that It shakes my truck.

  5. The public is force fed asshats like you into movies when nobody wants you in them. There are some good and engaging black actors but you ain’t one of them.
    When have you ever heard of crowds demanding movies with you in them? Answer, never.

  6. Maybe it’s time for us honkies to play tit for that and start blasting really bad cow pie music at full volume from our P/U trucks like Slim Whitman or even worse George Jones etc. at all the ghetto rats. And the worst would be be Drop kick me Jesus thru the goal posts of life by Bobby Bare or anything by Porter Waggoner or Conway Twitty and the Twitty birds. There’s a lot of really bad shit kicking music out there to annoy the hell out of them just like when we hear their ghetto crap blasted at us.

  7. How about an “entertainment pay equity act” No one involved in any entertainment industry can make more than 10 times what the lowest person in the same enterprise makes. So Ice Cube, on your next album, you can only make 10 times what the guy who sweeps the floor in recording studio makes. He makes 200 bucks, you get to make 2000. There, fairness for everyone.

  8. See whut happens after the first Black man get elected President…TWICE!
    It makes no difference that it took a lot of White people voting for him too to do that! They’re in a sweating panic when they see their “Racism” fuel gauge is riding on Empty!
    Booker T. Washington had it all figured out over 100 years ago!!
    Thus perpetual “Victims”

  9. Great news!
    Now Oprah and all other black performers in film, song, and stage can turn over the billions of net worth they’ve accumulated due to racism on the backs of blacks.

  10. “Ice Cube”, for fucks sake, even their names are dime store jokes. I’m going to rename myself “Plastic Tumbler”, or, “Wooden Spoon”. FUCKING RETARDS.

  11. Too bad. This guy was an ok actor until he turned racist for fun and profit. I’ll bet after his interview and his demands for reparations and the tales of woe about blacks in Hollywood he spun he hopped into his Limo, smoked a bit of crack and lit out to his mansion to meet with his accountant on how to cheat the government some more.

  12. I wouldn’t know the guy if he fell out of the sky and landed next to me.

    That being said: If you are going to go by some dumbfuck name like Ice Cube perhaps a rubber nose and pair of big red shoes are in order. If you are going to play the part, go all in.

  13. If America really is the racist hell hole this prick says it is he would be back to pulling the plow in the south forty and all the recent aliens from Africa would be back eating the sweet dirt of Zimbabwe!

  14. Ice Cube must be an earned nickname for the lack of activity of his brain. Frozen into rigid inside the box/cube thinking – everyone owes me something. If you want 13.5% of the pie, go buy like everyone else did before you.

  15. “stealing our history and giving it to white people”
    I once read some academic’s assertion that the Greeks stole architectural designs from the Africans, to which my friend replied, “Yeah, that’s where they got all their ideas for mud huts.”

  16. This idiot has obviously never watched network TV in the last 10 years. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 75% of the cast of any given show, and 90% of the cast of commercials. And don’t get me started about sports.

  17. “stealing our history and giving it to white people”

    …is this an updating of “We Wuz Kaings”? Because there are SEVERAL all-Black nations in Africa that have failed to be in any way Wakandan, and it’s not cause any WHITE folks were left unmurdered there.

    …and, if so, that means White people stole SLAVERY from them, too…


  18. Remember when one just wanted to make a living pretending to be somebody else?

    Now everybody’s too busy trying to out woke instead of out act each other anymore.

  19. I do my absolute 100% best to downplay my ‘white privilege’.

    It starts with NEVER listening to a second moment of Rap music, when it confronts my ears, and honestly not being able to tell you a single accomplishment of this “celebrity” you say is named “Ice Cube”.

    A huge^5 to anonymous fo tellin’ he be Ice Tre.


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