Identify ‘Provocateur’ Pushed off Building by Capitol Police (Video) – IOTW Report

Identify ‘Provocateur’ Pushed off Building by Capitol Police (Video)

RAIR: Despite the FBI’s aggressive targeting of January 6 attendees, this individual has not yet been identified.

Independent journalist Stephen Horn wants to know: Who is the man Capitol police pushed off the stairs of the Capitol on January 6? His question gained more traction in the wake of a viral tweet showing several angles of the incident.

“A yet unidentified man was carried off on a stretcher at the Capitol riot after a fall of 3x-4x his height off a staircase, Horn tweeted on September 24th. “I slowed down four different angles of video, and it appears that he was pushed by a US Capitol police officer in a motorcycle helmet,” he continued. watch

10 Comments on Identify ‘Provocateur’ Pushed off Building by Capitol Police (Video)

  1. The black-clad group that was first through the door, I’m betting were the same guys who were “under cover” at the DC rally last month. You know, the guys in the tailored shorts.

  2. I remember seeing video on the web that night or the next day or so that showed young men changing from MAGA garb into antifa garb under a low hanging tree branch in front of the capitol. The person filming was yelling “you guys are antifa!” and they squirmed away…

  3. Capitol police have long been known for their pollution and the high corruption among them as much as, if not more so, than the fiends who control them. Any decent LEO from another city or state who’s looking to relocate is advised NOT to apply to that broke-down joint.

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