IG Report: FBI Lawyer #1 Tashina Gauhar and The Huma/Weiner Laptop Issues – IOTW Report

IG Report: FBI Lawyer #1 Tashina Gauhar and The Huma/Weiner Laptop Issues

CTH: One of the information issues with the IG report is that it’s written entirely from an insiders perspective. Therefore without an understanding of how divisions within Main Justice related to the discussed activity within FBI main DC offices it can be very confusing to understand.

The ‘insider narration’ makes it difficult to see what happened with the Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner laptop; and how the Clinton emails were discovered.  However, because the issue is so important the IG report spends three chapters on this time-frame between September 28th and October 29th, 2016; and ultimately the next day, Oct. 30th, when a search warrant was executed for the laptop content.

IG Horowitz takes this aspect of the investigation into granularity and nuance (Chapters 8, 9 and 10).

At the heart of the activity during this critical period is FBI lawyer #1 Tashina “Tash” Gauhar who was on a video conference call with the FBI New York Field Office (NYFO) as the discoveries of hundreds of thousands of Clinton emails were relayed internally to the Mid-Year-Event (MYE) team in DC on September 29th, 2016.

Almost a full month went by until October 27th, 2016, when the MYE team all gathered with James Comey to talk about the laptop issues and the emails.   Within the IG review of this period, there is a bunch of ass-covering documentation that takes place in hindsight to the events.  The IG is careful to point out each time his investigation is presented with documentary evidence that was clearly written long-after the events being questioned. more here

3 Comments on IG Report: FBI Lawyer #1 Tashina Gauhar and The Huma/Weiner Laptop Issues

  1. So the IG finds that the FBI failed to enforce US laws because of the political views of many of those working within the organization. But they don’t mention any recommendations to keep it from reoccurring in the future. Funny, it seems that a corporation operating in the US might know how to fix any errant department and the employees in them who screw up in failing to do their assigned jobs, but our highly paid, over rated elected officials in Washington, and their staffs just draw blanks other than thousands of CYA stories. Why are we paying them???

  2. @Perry June 15, 2018 at 9:59 pm

    > it seems that a corporation operating in the US might know how to fix any errant department and the employees in them who screw up in failing to do their assigned jobs

    Are you sure you want to go there?

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