Well, I don’t know what Johnson was doing, but Pritzker definitely was NOT RUNNING. 🤣
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^^^^with a smug smirk on his very punchable face the whole time.
They need to be running from millions with torches and pitchforks. Their victims deserve justice.
Illinois and Chicago politicians “follow the law”…in what alternate universe is that true?
If this was still Chicago during Prohibition in the 1920’s and 30’s Pritzker would’ve been a mobster or at least in cahoots with the mob. And the black mayor Johnson would’ve been running the numbers, vice and prostitution rackets in the minority areas of Chicago
JB Pritzker is nothing but a big fat slob worth 4 billion because he inherited money and does not have a clue what truth and honesty is. He removed the toilets in his flat and claimed it was not livable and cut his taxes to 1/10th the value in Shitcago. He sent his wife and daughter out of state during COVID to protect them against his COVID mandates and told the people of Illinois to stick it up their ass. The most sorry part of J.B. Pritzker is the dumb fuck people of Illinois voted for him twice. Those Morons voted him in a second term. The most important fact is that Illinois is a Demoncrat run oligarchy and the voting dumb fucks think their Demoncrat platform is going to save them. If you look at the number of top level politicians that went to prison over the past 20 years you will see that Illinois has a mental retardation problem and those retards vote Demoncrat. My Lord and God I pray our county will succeed from Illinois and attach to Indiana or Missouri.
Prickster is a fat thug. He needs to see the inside of Supermax.
RickeyG – Technically, Hitler obeyed all the laws, as did Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc. These are clowns who write the laws. Laws aren’t hundreds of pages long because the goal is for them to apply to EVERYONE, and for there to be NO LOOPHOLES through which the creative lawyer-types can slip…LOL And as we have seen in the past 4 years, its NOT against the law if you are a democrat.
Illinois, in particular Chicago politics have been corrupt from the early 1900s. The three slithering snakes government officials at that press conference are indicative. Their defiance against President Trump’s Executive Order to deport illegals is party line bullcrap meant to appease their Demwit voters. The criminal Illinois Governor, Chicago’s present and former mayors will not risk going to jail to protect illegals. The Chicage Crime Syndicate is too lucrative.
Pritzger and Johnson are also lying to the illegal immigrants that are in Chicago. Chicago doesn’t have the money to support these people, so they drive them downstate. But most of downstate Illinois is not a sanctuary like Chicago, so once Johnson kicks them out of Chicago, they are subject to deportation.
Illinois is a ticking financial time bomb. The pension system is woefully underfunded and Johnson in particular was handpicked by the Chicago teacher’s union. Citizens and businesses are leaving the state, and at some point the Democrats will wake up and realize that too many of their residents are takers and not producers.
Wyatt, you’re right about Chicago dumping their worst and heinous in downstate Illinois cities and townships. It happened years ago when the hood, primarily Cabrini Green Chicago residents were given incentives to migrate downstate after their “projects”, high rise ghettos were torn down.
As you can guess crime increased and yes, property values tanked where the Chicago hood relocated.
Agreed, Pritzger will do the same thing with illegals. It will bankrupt downstate cities and towns and the Putz Illinois Governor could care less.
A repeat of Springfield, Ohio. Yep, hide your dogs, hide your cats time for downstate Illinois – at least until ICE arrives to round up the foreign invaders, which won’t take long.
Chicago is filled with idiots who’ve been drinking lead contaminated water their entire lives. Illinois would be a sane, prosperous red state if not for Chicago.
Illinois needs to cut Chicago loose.
Encircle it with barbed wire and allow nothing in or out. Chicago would learn in about 3 months what a parasitic nightmare it really is.
Let the rats eat each other.
(course, that’s what MO should do with St. Louis and Kansas City … which every state should do with their wretched, benighted cities)
I went to Chicago to attend a trade show with several fellow employees back in the late 90’s. We were eating at a little place near the Water Tower. The woman waiting on us asked where we were from, and we told her Texas. We asked if she had ever been there. She said she had never been out of Cook County in her entire life. She was thirty-five. The corruption of Chicago is all many of them have ever known.