“I’ll Have the Crickets with A Side Order of Parasites,” said Nobody Ever – IOTW Report

“I’ll Have the Crickets with A Side Order of Parasites,” said Nobody Ever

herculean strength

But the unpleasant truth, beyond the fact that eating insects is hardly appetizing for most people in the West, is that insects are also loaded with potentially harmful parasites, according to scientists. More

13 Comments on “I’ll Have the Crickets with A Side Order of Parasites,” said Nobody Ever

  1. Yeah, and you don’t even have to eat your cat to have a toxoplasma gondii in your brain. You just have to have one as a pet.

    (I’m a fountain of such information. Want more?)

  2. I had a cricket in the house the other night, and I wasn’t sure what I should do. I wondered if it was an escapee from a cricket farm and maybe it should get sanctuary, or if I should get out the 12ga, hunt it down and eat it.

  3. What arrogant, narcissistic, megalomaniacal psychopaths to even dare to tell someone what to eat!
    WTF is the matter with us?

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die!

    Now they got me doing it!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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