I’m just gonna leave this here… – IOTW Report

I’m just gonna leave this here…


h/t Bad Brad

16 Comments on I’m just gonna leave this here…

  1. That bulge in his cheek does give the appearance that an invisible John Holmes is treating Ryan’s right ear as if it were a piece of …. dare I say it …… pussy. Drudge does seem to have a penchant for finding unflattering photos of these sanctimonious jerks that rightly knocks them down a couple of notches.

  2. What is it about Catholic politicians that they can be so peculiarly sanctimonious while betraying the Republic. R and D both, the list is long. Ryan is only the latest.

  3. I’ve been supporting Trump all along, ever since he WON the nomination. But it galls me that some of the support money is also going to Ryan, Heck, McCain, and other RINOs who disavow Trump.
    Catch fucking 22!

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