I’m sick of leftist petty symbolism. If We’re going to do this, let’s do this. – IOTW Report

I’m sick of leftist petty symbolism. If We’re going to do this, let’s do this.

George Washington owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Washington’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, city streets, and Mount Rushmore. This includes rescinding of the national holiday as well as the removal from our currency,

Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Jefferson’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, city streets, and Mount Rushmore. This includes the removal from our currency,

James Madison owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Madison’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets.

 James Monroe owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Monroe’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets.

Andrew Jackson owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Jackson be removed from our currency, and his name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets.

William Henry Harrison owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Harrison’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets.

 John Tyler owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Tyler’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets.

 James K. Polk owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Polk’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets.

Zachary Taylor owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Taylor’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets.

James Buchanan’s significant other, Senator Rufus King, owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Buchanan’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets.

Andrew Johnson owned slaves.

iOTWreport demands Johnson’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets.

Ulysses S. Grant owned a slave.

iOTWreport demands Grant’s name or image be removed from every government building, including schools, bridges, tunnels, city names, statues, state parks, and city streets. He should be removed from currency and his tomb be released from national park service ownership.




53 Comments on I’m sick of leftist petty symbolism. If We’re going to do this, let’s do this.

  1. Nothing with Wilson on it either. Especially those volleyballs.
    You know what? NO sporting equipment allowed. It just makes it easier.

    Fucking volleyballs!!! *spits*

  2. There is a petition on ChangeDotOrg to demolish the Washington Monument-because George owned slaves.

    Someone on my FB posted it for its ridiculousness-and was soon set upon by lefties who agree with the petition.

    What a world.

  3. We don’t even have to go there.
    Let’s just stick with this slavery issue.
    They say the confederate flag is a symbol of slavery. They want it removed.

    So, any founding father, or president, who owned slaves, and whose name is used by the state, this has be be removed.
    Their names are symbols of advocacy for slavery and it’s very, very hurtful to blacks.
    In fact, all blacks named Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, and so on, they must have their names changed.

  4. The boxer Muhammad Ali, named himself (unwittingly, I’m sure) after Muhammad Ali the 19th century viceroy of Egypt. One of Muhammad Ali’s fine accomplishments was to invade The Sudan and create an entirely new source of black slaves for the dar all salaam

    Accordingly, I now demand that Muhammad Ali be forced to once again call himself Cassius Marcellus Clay — that horrible name that was given to him by his own mother and which was, OBTW, the name of a Kentucky abolitionist

    HA!!, let’s see how lefties like THEM apples!!!

  5. Well you do know that at the restored homes of our Founders the focus of the tours is shifting hard toward the shame that is SLAVERY. The new use of the term “Enslaved Peoples” as opposed to “slaves” in the narratives given by the tour guides, and in the text on the newly replaced plaques, is given prominence in information about the owner and the property.
    Enslaved Peoples is worked into every other sentence of the tour guides speech. They instruct you on the concept of the Slave Owner, and his use of Enslaved People, rather than the person and his life at his home.
    I find this new practice disgusting.

  6. A few more reasons why Muhammad Ali should go back to calling himself Cassius clay. The invasion of The Sudan, ordered by MA The First, killed tens of thousands of black Africans in two years; perhaps as many as 100,000.

    Also, Muhammad Ali had a personal monopoly on the Sudanese slave trade for 20 years — meaning he personally owned and profited from the sale of tens of thousands of black African slaves, making him one of the greatest slavers in history

  7. LOL! They need 100!!!
    Won’t someone help the children!?!
    *single tear rolls down face*

    That’s kinda funny, actually. We should all do one and only ask for 5 signatures. 😀

  8. Hey careful now Saint Padraig was a slave and he rid Ireland of all the snakes and homosexuals and pagans and all. Only to have them return trifold this year. At least He put slavery to good use for a period. But he was a” white nigger” slave.

  9. It’s way past time to ban the Democrat Party. It is made up entirely of anti-American haters, perverts, illegal aliens, Hillary Clinton and Bubba, Marxists including Obama and Jarrett, crooks, cruds, feminists, phoney sexes, baby murderers and drug addicts, to name just a few of their more virtuous members

  10. No one should name their child after any slave owner. The names George, Thomas, Jefferson, John, Christopher, William, Benjamin, Wade, Arthur, Sam, Anthony, Andrew, Richard, Robert, James, Phillip, Alexander, Lawrence, Roger, Zachery, and a host of others are all racist and hurtful and should be banned.

  11. From the Washington Monument petition;
    “All symbols of patriarchal and racist oppression should be erased from our landscape.”

    Ok then. Let’s really hit that road with some rubber. All inventions, as well as all other next generation inventions and technologies get the boot as well. Museums and libraries too. I’ll visit your hut when I have time from simply surviving to make the trek.

  12. “Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.”

    Hell, Thomas Jefferson fucked slaves.

    Michelle Obama is a descendant of slaves. Can we do away with her fat, useless ass?

    The Romans had slaves. I respectfully request that the Federal government pay for my lobotomy to erase all the Latin I learned in high school and college.

  13. After $20 Trillion in Wealth Transfers & Welfare spending, why are we still talking hurt feelings & restitution? I’m so done with this. The governments emptied out my bank account, my dads account and my grand parents accounts. What MORE do these Litgious grumps want?

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